The Drink-o-Meter

40.000 people died, and that's still people but for some fucked up reason most of us Europeans don't get this kind of information, as if it's irrelevant and only cultures that are closer to ours count. So yeah, I hear ya.
Patric said:
40.000 people died, and that's still people but for some fucked up reason most of us Europeans don't get this kind of information, as if it's irrelevant and only cultures that are closer to ours count. So yeah, I hear ya.

definitely, you never hear about that stuff here in the states, the news/information distributed by school systems is incredibly selective
Labandunga said:
thnx asking...
not good ı think these bombings will continue

I'm sorry for your loss.... I agree with patric too. The way I see it europian media is full of SHIT. These are senseless hypocrites that care only for their pocket and dick.

Bombings will continue.... probably, and not only in Turkey.... Hell were on an edge of a global conflict here anyway... its a matter of time till someone nukes someone.... Well I cant suggest much except what we do in Israel - keep on living and dont give a shit just be more carefull.... If you must die it might happen when youre home.... skid over a cockroach and break your neck on the toilet...
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themooseisloose said:
definitely, you never hear about that stuff here in the states, the news/information distributed by school systems is incredibly selective
I wonder why.... it's so obvious - if I dont see it - it's not there. I understand that you recieve information only on-a-need-to-know basis..... damn.
Labandunga said:
and do you know that we have lost over 40.000 ppl in terrorist attacks for 15 years??
no ofcourse you dont you would probably were still thinking that we r a terrorist country righT?we were in this war even before all the world KNEW the real meaning of terrorism and thats why your UE put turkey in the terrorist list righT? becouse we were in war against PKK (ı doubt u know the name)..
at least have some respect to the dead...P.S:we are not an arabic culture for those who dont know that yet.
I will have to agree with that. Early in the summer I watched on french tv a contreversial report of 2 french journalist who went under-cover in Turkey and were filming an anti-local gov demonstration in the south-(kurd territory). Within 30 minutes light armoured tanks started rolling in the village, the army came out told the camerman to turn off his camera which he did, but one other cameraman was on a roof and filmed the whole scene. You talk about people being persecuted .... the under cover army guy finally saw the cameraman and he got shot at by army fire. This type of military sweep is comon in a lot of villages ... they take people in their tanks who are never to be seen again. You being from Turkey what is yr take on the PKK ? (isn't it the free kurdish army?) that has been in years of fighting with Turkish gov?
Sad and all that is still happening on our doorstep in Europe.
Labandunga said:
pkk is a terrorist army and they want lands from turkey and they kill everyone even the children women and the olds

What do you mean "Lands from Turkey"? Why? What are they after? Enlighten me cuz I didnt hear about any of this before....
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
What do you mean "Lands from Turkey"? Why? What are they after? Enlighten me cuz I didnt hear about any of this before....
As far as I know, the PKK fights for an independent Kurdistan. The territory they fight for belongs partially to turkey, iraq, iran and syria... here's an map of it:


there is no map like that there is no kurdistan in turkey :)

but its true that there are kurts those parts
and never will be

they dont fight for the indipendence they never did have any land on those parts they are terrorist juzt like husame bin laden btw ı wonder what happened to him
Belgar said:
Yeah watch what you say in the forum, big brother might be watching us, you know the big Echelon project ...... scarey. How did we end up from a drink-o-meter thread to a somewhat geo-political one? not that there is anything wrong with it.
Well.... shit happens.....
He's watching when you cant see.... mwhahahahaha!!!!!