The Drug Thread

Drugs are bad, mmmmkay?
i honestly dont give a fuck about whenever its harming or not ( i think is not ) because i really dont have even a little bit of curiosity to try it. It holds no appeal to me.
Drugs are SHIT.

(and...for some people shit is a drug (Veronica 'Scat Queen' Moser))

EDIT: don't go on her site, or you'll
alcohol is more than enough to satisfy all my "adolescent transgression" needs. i wouldn't want to run any risk by trying heavy drugs, and i hate the imagery that is commonly associated to weed and weed smokers, i just can't stand the whole idea.

I hate weed because it dumbs me down. When I say this I mean that my thought processes slow down and I act like a blobbish slug. Merely stringing together two sentences becomes a hassle, understanding what people are saying to me is also fucking hard or formulating any response to things around me. The world becomes a blurry, bleak and depressing place and depression seeps into my brain and wrecks me for the day/night.

However, I LOVED being stoned and listening to music. FUCKING AWESOME. The bleak, dullness of the stoned world without sound is transformed into an array of startling colours. NOTHING beats a big fat doob and your favourite album. However, while my love of music increases, my tolerance of social situations declines and I want to run away and sit where no-one will ever find me and simply listen to music. I ALWAYS get this urge when I get stoned. I just want to get the fuck away from everybody and everything and listen to my just sounds sooo good on weed. Talking to people is a nightmare but listening to music is heaven.

Due to this, I've had this strong urge the past few weeks to somehow acquire some weed for personal comsumption. When I say 'personal consumption' I mean weed that I can keep at home, and late at night when everyone has gone to bed, smoke up on and then go into my room and listen to music. Thats all I want to do with it, thats what I see weed as being for. Weed is for music, and I want some damn weed so I can use it for just that. I wonder if it will seem weird if I ask my stoner buddies to sell me some weed that I won't share with everyone, and will smoke at home late at night...:loco: