The dumbass thread

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Maybe this is old and you've already seen it, but this is the first time I've seen stupid on this level. Extermination is the only answer.

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If "only the strong survive" were really true, overpopulation wouldn't be a problem and people this fucking stupid would be an unimaginable thought.

Also, I probably wouldn't have survived this long either.
I'm not for an animalistic anarchy in which only the strong survive, only that people this stupid aren't allowed to be this stupid. For example, at a bare minimum, if you can't understand the concept of rainbows, you shouldn't be able to vote. Think about that again...this woman is allowed to vote in the most powerful nation on earth.
pretty sure the rainbows are caused by all these homos in america that have been popping up lately ever since it became 'cool'

not even our water is safe!?
Then how would you determine what constitutes "stupid" and what would give someone more power over someone else to grant such a label? There's no way you could do it without someone else telling you it's not right.

I have no idea how rainbows work, other than it's probably some weird shit in the air that the water is reflecting off of. Does this grant me the power to vote or not?

"Sorry sir, you are stupid. TO THE GAS CHAMBER!"
My point is that I think the whole core of human's problems in the world were brought upon by themselves, and that if waaaaaay back in history we kept killing each other off instead of letting the less intelligent ones live and mooch off the stronger ones, we wouldn't be having any of these problems.

In fact, I think communication is the source of it all. Once we learned how to talk to each other and explain our thoughts, that's when shit went bad. That's when we all started getting confused by people's words and then trust issues came into play.

If you go fuck with some bear's cub, that bear isn't going to check and make sure you aren't insane and not of the right mind when you fucked with it's cub. It's just going to kill you instead and be done with it.

I hardly have any idea what I'm talking about. I read it back to myself and it makes zero sense haha.
Then how would you determine what constitutes "stupid" and what would give someone more power over someone else to grant such a label? There's no way you could do it without someone else telling you it's not right.

I have no idea how rainbows work, other than it's probably some weird shit in the air that the water is reflecting off of. Does this grant me the power to vote or not?

"Sorry sir, you are stupid. TO THE GAS CHAMBER!"

There should be an exam given to voters, just like there's an exam given to drivers or civil service jobs like police, fire department, prison guards, military, etc. If you can't pass that exam, you can't vote.
Sounds like a novel idea to me. Too bad all the stupid idiots would fight to keep that from happening :lol:
Sadly, our politicians (as well as politicians in general) don't just enjoy receiving those votes, they RELY on those voters; they know they'll be able to say anything to keep the masses at bay and keep the wheel turning.
education education education is key.

The public education system in this country sucks, and until it's fixed we'll have retards with their retarded youtube videos like this.

Education is also the key to eliminating religion, but that's a discussion for another time.
I've always believed that education is the key, and I still do. However, it's to the point now where it's almost beyond hope. Of course, higher education is great, but our high schools are severely lacking and have been for some time. Obama is pushing for more money for education but it's just a band-aid on a broken leg. Our system is BROKEN. We need a complete overhaul of the system.
Education is also a novel idea, but what about the people that aren't willing to learn?
Good luck keeping them quiet. They'll want equal rights, obviously. Then we've devolved 100 years or so and we're right back where we started.
We're already there due to stupidity. It shouldn't be about equal rights anymore, but what's good for the majority of Americans. Living among idiots brings down the quality of life for everyone else. It's against the law to keep children out of school and that's pretty much a "law against stupidity"...however, it's not working. I see nothing wrong with having some sort of requirement in having knowledge of our government, foreign affairs, domestic affairs, etc. before allowing citizens to vote. They've pretty much shown us that they won't seek out the information on their own, that they'll just keep spewing the same rhetoric their respective parties are known for, i.e., The Tea Party.

I admire their tenacity, but it's all thrust and no vector. They don't know anything about the issues they're protesting, yet they'll vote against things that would help them in the end anyway. Elections are just a popularity contest; not in the sense that the popular vote wins, but in the high school sense. A complete moron could become president (and has) and the people are to blame because they think that Obama is a Muslim, Iraq is next to Afghanistan, 9/11 was an inside job, and that the pledge of allegiance is more important than millions of homeless people.
I think the only realistic way to reach any of these conclusions is to wipe mankind from the earth and start over with everything we've learned in mind. There are too many differing opinions and feelings everywhere to make everyone happy at this point.

Although, I think if mankind was "reset" from the beginning, it'd still turn out the same way. I don't think there's any way to avoid it. If you kill one idiot, someone else will ask why and be opposed to it, and then the only way to eliminate that person's unhappiness is to kill them too. People as a whole are stupid and what we deal with today is the consequence of that. So I TRY not to let stupid people bother me too much, but of course that's easier said than done. It's best for me to just laugh at them and try to ignore it and hope that I'm not one of them, also. But who knows, I'm sure I am to at least a couple people out there somewhere.
I'll just be completely honest and say I can't remember the scientific explanation for rainbows...

But I certainly wouldn't attribute it to the water supply or anything.
Not to downplay the hilarity of this clip or anything, but I'm pretty sure this lady is batshit crazy, which probably accounts for most of her astonishment at rainbows in the sprinkler.