The dumbass thread

This thread is gold: funny, sad, serious and in the end, pointless.
She should team up with the 'double rainbows' guy.
Playing poker on Facebook. Word for word from the chatbox.

Uzgjan: were are you from?
Steve: Mordor!
Steve: Ever heard of the place?
Steve: You know of Middle Earth?
Uzgjan: no
Steve: *facepalm*
Steve: I give up on humanity.
Uzgjan: adn you
Steve: I'm from mordor
Uzgjan: you from?
Steve: It's a really common place?!
I've always believed that education is the key, and I still do. However, it's to the point now where it's almost beyond hope. Of course, higher education is great, but our high schools are severely lacking and have been for some time. Obama is pushing for more money for education but it's just a band-aid on a broken leg. Our system is BROKEN. We need a complete overhaul of the system.
There should be an exam given to voters, just like there's an exam given to drivers or civil service jobs like police, fire department, prison guards, military, etc. If you can't pass that exam, you can't vote.

This sort of thing was used for decades to keep Black voters in the South from being able to register to vote and possibly improve their situation.
Well now we can give it to dumb white voters to keep them from being able to register to vote and possibly improve the situation for everyone else.
Any way you slice it though, that idea is like mankind turning around and running back the way they came. You can't just up and tell someone that they can't do what they've been used to doing all their lives without some sort of equal or greater reaction. While you're at it, you might as well tell the stupid honkeys they're going to be slaves if they fail the test.
Well now we can give it to dumb white voters to keep them from being able to register to vote and possibly improve the situation for everyone else.
The problem is that the quality of education is not equal between predominantly white populations and predominantly black populations. Which is more of a result of economics than racism, but the fact remains that such an exam would have more of the effect that David mentioned.
Well now we can give it to dumb white voters to keep them from being able to register to vote and possibly improve the situation for everyone else.
this post is quite funny. if you read it in the same context as david's post, which is how you typed it, the actual meaning is the opposite of the commie filth you were attempting to spew. voter comprehension test failed! out of the booth with you!
Um,'s exactly what I wanted to say. I wrote it in the context as a sort of ironic reciprocal of what David said: give the test to dumb white voters and it will improve the situation for everyone else. David said that it was given to blacks, thereby rendering their situation worse. I say give it to everyone and it will sort itself out automatically. You have to take a test to become a citizen of the US, why the hell shouldn't you have to take a test to vote?

Or you can just continue like you're doing, it doesn't really matter to me. You're the ones living among some of the most retarded people in the world. If that floats yer boat, go ahead and keep the status quo. I know everything that makes sense is labeled "commie" in the US, so good luck with that.
But who has the right to design and regulate such a test?

Beyond that, and forgive me for sounding like an over patriotic zealot (I despise this country), but it was (supposed) to be founded on equality. It's my belief that no matter how much more "intelligent", well spoken, civilized, or even productive a person might be than another, it doesn't make them a better person.

But what do I know? I'm a complete waste of life.
It's not about being better or worse but knowing what's best for the country. Just because there are more people who vote for a candidate doesn't mean that person would be best for the country, but that's what elections are for and that's what the popular vote is. Whether left or right, one should know SOMETHING about who they're voting for and not just rhetoric. You have to take a test to become a citizen, to drive, to enter military service, so why not vote? Do you feel your rights are trampled on because you have to take a test to get a driver's license as well? Of course not.

It all boils down to education, and since the education system in the US is completely fucked, a voting test wouldn't be out of line. No one is going to fix education, Dem, Lib, or Rep.

The bottom line is people need to be held accountable for their own ignorance when it comes to electing leaders. The US can't afford an ever-growing dumber populace to elect someone like them, therefore, I think tests for voting would be a good idea. So many people vote without knowing anything about the world around them or even in their own country. If there are enough of them, that means that the majority could be a bunch of morons, thereby electing a moron. If people want their vote counted, they need to do something more besides convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Sometimes being right is more important than being fair. Sometimes I think that a New World Order would be a better alternative than leaving the country in the hands of its citizens. Of course, that would only bring about tyranny. Catch-22.
I see your point.

I hate our political system anyway, and I don't see how it could have ever worked for long. (Again, I'm probably the most uneducated person here) On that note, I just watched V For Vendetta for the first time. Pretty decent.