The DVD shoot this year....

AngraRULES said:
Epica is already coming out with a DVD. Leave the room for the bands that are not and would be awesome to see on it. Make it Jorn, since it'll be so special. Mercenary, Pyramaze, Savage Circus, Wastefall... one of these would be fucking great!!!

I totally agree :)
Curufin said:
I hope Savage Circus signs up for it so that we may forever capture the crowd's reaction as Jens brings out the super-soaker full of milk and squirts the audience. :rock:

Sorry bro. I'm 100% sure SC isn't going to participate since Thomen isn't coming.

ragingsaxmachine said:
Evergrey's already been there, done that on DVD with the choir. Something tells me that they said no. :)

I’m willing to bet that this would be something Evergrey would do. It will only promote them for the future. I’m sure Glenn is not going to let his #1 band play his show and not participate in whatever DVD production that’s going on.

Looking forward to hearing more about this.
Joel-RZ said:
Dude, that is AWESOME. Short of bringing in Jenna and Janine for the after-show party, Im not sure what else you could do to make this fest better. :)

Jenna's club is here.

Maybe I can do some "leg" work and find out what her appearance fee is?

Hell, let her MC this shindig... I'll step aside... for a slice, er, price, er, for the good fo the show! Yeah that's it! That's the ticket!

PowerFreak said:
Jenna's club is here.

Maybe I can do some "leg" work and find out what her appearance fee is?

Hell, let her MC this shindig... I'll step aside... for a slice, er, price, er, for the good fo the show! Yeah that's it! That's the ticket!


Hehehe You know I think we can find room for them at the hotels too!! LOL

BenMech said:
Wow, that's almost literally gay

And I'm sure anyone who has their "authorized" camera ruined by the stunt will be none too happy. Glad to have the warning...I'll make *sure* I'm nowhere near the stage when they play.

That would be bad enough at a "normal" show, but we're talking a 5 or 6-hour festival...that would really suck, especially since they're only the second band that night.
Bear said:
Hehehe You know I think we can find room for them at the hotels too!! LOL

Well, technically, they'd be crew, so they''d have to stay in the crew rooms... Don - I'm getting a new roomie this year ! ;)
Or hell - we can make room for them, right??
Glenn - I might be late for "load-in" both days ! :kickass: :rock: :heh: :OMG: :Smug: :Saint: :goggly:
This could be a great opportunity for the bands and the fans. I enjoyed the first DVD, as it brought back some great memories and shed some light on things behind the scenes. After showing the DVD to my drummer, I convinced him to go to this year's show. It's kind of cool to show your friends what they've been missing every year.

Stay metal. Never rust.