Backdoor shenanigans eh? That reminds me of a thing someone said to me after seeing Larry, actually. It's the sort of mind's eye scarring moment that we shant repeat.

Oh and be sure to include footage from outside clubs. Mike got some primo shit when he taped the line in Cambridge.
Greg B. said:
Backdoor shenanigans eh? That reminds me of a thing someone said to me after seeing Larry, actually. It's the sort of mind's eye scarring moment that we shant repeat.

Oh and be sure to include footage from outside clubs. Mike got some primo shit when he taped the line in Cambridge.

You do know, Larry's going to fuck you up when he sees you again, don't you?
Usurper Dan said:
Is this some serious shit, or message board ribbing?
Well its just always amazing how my name gets mentioned somehow in some sort of demeaning, derogatory way on here, particularly by certain people. It gets pretty old, especially when I go out of my way lots of times to be nice and cool to people even when they've said and done things in the past that made me feel not so good. When people on the forum joke around it's fine with me, and particularly in the case of people here like Dan and Tom, whom I know personally, I have no problem with jokes and stuff. But some people on here whom I don't know quite so well personally have a tendency to constantly bring up my name in less than complimentary ways, even if it's done in a "roundabout" sort of way. I'm not interested in censoring what people have to say here, but this sort of shit does tend to make me want to stay away from this forum often....which is a shame, considering its my own band's fucking forum.

I have no interest in starting or causing conflicts with anyone, whether it be online or in person. But yeah y'know, it does get a bit tiring to see my name being brought up in negative ways or when I am constantly the butt of the jokes. At this point I basically ignore it but since Dan asked about it, I figured I'd comment.

Maybe I take things too seriously and should be more lighthearted, but lately I haven't been feeling too humorous and stuff anyhow, so forgive me.

By the way, on the subject of the future DVD, I'd like to hear more from you all about what kind of things you'd like to see included, seriously. We intend on having plenty of live footage of us of course, but all the supplemental stuff is basically up in the air right now, so suggestions are helpful.
Sometimes things get out of hand because when people talk to you online, or on a forum like this, and listen to your music, they feel the know you, and you're friends. Truth is, it's usually nothing more then some contact, and friendly conversations, and most people understand that. We love to be a part of the forum, and all very much enjoy talking to everyone here. Some friendly ribbing goes way to far by people who dont know us on a personal level, to a point where several things could happen. It could drive us all away from the forum for good, or we could just take it down all together. Other options would be to just ban people who do this.

Bottom line, we set up this forum for us to get closer to the people who actually spend their hard earned money on our CD's, to answer their questions, and to share opinions on the music as well. We all feel to many bands shut themselves off from the people who are fans of theirs, and we never wanted to be that band, so when this shit takes place, it's expected in some ways but letting it get out of hand is our fault. Enough is enough. No apologies from anyone are needed, on this forum, private messages or e-mail. Just STOP. You don't know us outside of a message board and maybe a meeting or two, and you certainly don't know us well enough to make comments like we have all be friends for many years.
Yeah, thats odd when 'fans' that you dont know personally start breaking your balls like youre old pals.
Howard Stern recently started his own message board. His goal was to have a forum where fans could interact with cast members and meet other fans. Unfortunately for him, it has turned into 95% "you suck" "get AIDS and die" "your girlfriend is an ugly bitch" etc...
You cant win, man. Haha.
Usurper will never have a MB I dont think. Too many people with computers hate the band. It would just be a drag
Well, fuck the haters so to speak, because I think Usurper are great and I really look forward to hearing this new album! Not being a kiss-ass or anything, just what I honestly think.

And as for the comments that people make on here that have negative connotations, like I said earlier, I just try to ignore it for the most part. I try very hard to give people the benefit of the doubt and hope that they aren't trying to be truly malicious against me. I hope that doesn't have to change.
Greetings form South Carolina!

No, I haven't relocated AGAIN, I'm just "on vacation". Actually I wouldn't even be here if a certain parental figure didn't twist my arm and offer to pay for the plane ticket. We did manage to dodge hurricane Charley...thank the gods... *actually more than anything I am just enjoying the access I have to a CABLE MODEM while I am here* <<<DROOL>>>

Anyhow, back on topic here. I think it's great that you guys have a DVD in the works. Backstage shenanigans are ALWAYS welcome. Need I mention a certain defunct band's trilogy of them? Hehe...I think you guys should also have some one on one interviews with each of the guys in the band as well. That may sound cliche, but I think the fans really like that sort of thing. It kind of gives them an inside view of each member, who may be one of their idols. Have someone ask you guys unique questions too. The more different they are from the norm the better.:D
Novembers Paul said:
I like the one on one interview idea. We may just have to look into that. I do know this time around, I want to do a lot of video recording in the studio, so maybe a "making of" sort of thing too.

Good idea for the interviews!
I really enjoyed the "making of" segment on the Opeth dvd, definatly would love to see it for ND.
What might be interesting for the non-live stuff is a sort of retrospective that goes into the evolution of the band. I think every disc I have from you uses a different lineup. Yet, you folks still manage to move forward in a non-forced way. Something probing what makes that possible would be groovy.

Other than that... if Paul uses a particular process to develop lyrics, that might be interesting to go into. Mind you, I'm talking PROCESS here. I know it's rockumentary tradition to create this faux-intimate atmosphere. However, it kind of skeevs me out to be told things that only a guy's wife should know when I pop in a DVD. I'm kinda big on the whole separation of fan and performer issue. IMO, the bringing of booze is a sign of appreciation and not some sort of deep/enduring friendship that grants any of us access to your respective inner sanctums.

As for the one-on-ones, Dead Lioness has a good idea there. Questions that are a bit outside the norm prevent something from getting stale. However, they are more problematic for a taped medium than a written one. For instance, I went into the transcript from our chat, reordered it, omitted a couple potentially problematic lines, and just generally freshened it up. With a tape, it'd come out spliced worse than that posthumous Bruce Lee tape I picked up where they talked to a friend of his, went to footage of some kungfu warrior in feudal Japan in the middle of a sentence, then went over to an announcer who brought up Lee's grandfather the great swordsman, and had the friend finish his sentence 30 minutes after he started it.

Beyond that... I'm buggered for ideas. My personal interests lie in the artistic and performance aspects of things. It'd make me happy to have 2 hours of performance footage with a commentary track and maybe multiple camera angles.

Also . . . I'm not trying to direct anything or take over this project. Please apply actual knowledge of the band and fanbase to create a product that both represents ND and meets the wishes of those who listen. They matter.

(I'm just being touchy because I put actual effort into this post. Most are hit and run affairs where I leave ideas vague in the interest of time. Now that I've got a few moments, I just wanted to take a chance to explain myself enough that I don't come across as a complete dick._
Hell, just HAVING a DVD from you guys would rule. As far as material goes...hmmm...interviews would be cool, but also maybe (providing there even is any) you could throw in some footage from pre-ND? I know Larry was in a band before this, and to hear him sing even more would be sick (hah, I need not tell you my favorite track on To Welcome....) Also, I know Paul's done Subterranean Masquerade....and Em Simfonia, which are both killer as well....oh well, just a rambling thought.
The Spirit Seed said:
Hell, just HAVING a DVD from you guys would rule. As far as material goes...hmmm...interviews would be cool, but also maybe (providing there even is any) you could throw in some footage from pre-ND? I know Larry was in a band before this, and to hear him sing even more would be sick (hah, I need not tell you my favorite track on To Welcome....) Also, I know Paul's done Subterranean Masquerade....and Em Simfonia, which are both killer as well....oh well, just a rambling thought.

Go to the band's website @, and look up the bio's for each member to get what info you're looking for.
All of my ND singing has been relegated to live backing vocals, in actuality. And that's just fine with me, trust me lol My singing days are over, at least in the metal context. I was never confident with my vocal abilities, or lack thereof, so I don't mind just being a guitarist.
I don't know how likely it'd be to have any pre-ND stuff on our dvd, to be honest. We have years and years of ND footage from gigs, rehearsals, studio, parties, etc. So it's going to be a feat just to squeeze all the ND stuff we'd like to feature on there. Plus, I don't think Paul nor I really want any of our old stuff getting out there for the whole world to see LOL Maybe at best, we'll throw some shit on the dvd as a "hidden" feature or something, hah.
About the only possibility of a pre-ND thing ever getting "revisited" would be if we re-recorded an old Dead Serenade song sometime, which Paul and I have discussed once or twice. But that's a slim possibility and not something likely to occur in the near future.
But thanks everyone for all the dvd ideas so far, really. Keep 'em coming!