The Earache On-Line Merchendise store!


New Metal Member
May 5, 2003
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I´d just like to say to all of ya that the Earache online store totally rules! Fucki´n great service! I ordered a Haunted-hoodie on thursday, and it arrived on monday!! And i live in sweden too so that´s really quick! Thanx for the quick delivery guys! :hotjump:
Yup,ive ordered from there three times already.Each time ive ordered,it has appeared two days later at my door.Fucking excellent.

And its so stupidly cheap.I can buy two brand new cds for 15 quid(the price of one in the shops),so it really is excellent service.The staff seem to be really cool too,i usually write some shit in the "ordering instructions" asking for stickers and other questions,and they always answer.This time they gave me too new MA "Heretic" stickers:D

It fucking rules basically.Ill be ordering again very soon!
I've ordered from them myself and overall was satisfied. I'll order a few things at a time. There have been times I would revieve only part of my order, due to being out of stock, but then after a week, I get the rest of it. They also give me stickers, and other promotional stuff sometimes. They do a good job.
yeah i've ordered from there loads of times quality service and well cheap and you get the odd rare stuff there as well like the Cathedral Endtyme cd i got signed by the band that was still cheaper there than in the shops