The emotion in Tom's voice...


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Tom is definately one of my favorite vocalists... I love the sound of his voice... and the versatility he has... but most of all... the raw emotion that comes through in everything he sings... the darkness, the despair, the fear, the anger... he really brings the vocal side of Evergrey to a new level...
Tom Englund is the fundamental and core part of Evergrey's sound. It's like Dio singing Dio songs. You take him out of the band the band would be no more.

NP: Dream Theater - Images & Words
Well, hello everyone.

I'm relatively new to Evergrey, although I've known them since "Solitude", and finally it hit me. They are in my personal hall of fame now.

Anyway, I think there's nothing to add about Tom's voice. I can only quote all of you. Same goes for me.

3 words, then: emotion, feeling, talent

The song that proved it: "Words Mean Nothing"

Have a nICE day.
yeah he sounds quite "persecuted"

i think that its great for a lot of songs...really forlorn
but not versatile at all! it seems like that will really limit what kind of songs evergrey are good at...and their sound
but its in a pretty good groove big deal

anyway that's why i can't listen to evergrey on just any day...

he is like the other side of warrell dane....once my dad heard my nevermore cd and he was like "Who killed his kids?"
the difference is warrel got really :mad: mad about it...tom is just emotionally scarred :cry:
Originally posted by The_Accolade
yeah he sounds quite "persecuted"

i think that its great for a lot of songs...really forlorn
but not versatile at all! it seems like that will really limit what kind of songs evergrey are good at...and their sound
but its in a pretty good groove big deal

anyway that's why i can't listen to evergrey on just any day...

he is like the other side of warrell dane....once my dad heard my nevermore cd and he was like "Who killed his kids?"
the difference is warrel got really :mad: mad about it...tom is just emotionally scarred :cry:

Huh? :confused:
Originally posted by The_Accolade
i think that its great for a lot of songs...really forlorn
but not versatile at all! it seems like that will really limit what kind of songs evergrey are good at...

Hm, well I think his voice fits all Evergrey songs pretty fine and I don't believe they would want to do some other style of songs anyway.
Don't know what you had in mind there.......some more "happy" stuff??

he is like the other side of warrell dane....once my dad heard my nevermore cd and he was like "Who killed his kids?"
the difference is warrel got really :mad: mad about it...tom is just emotionally scarred :cry:

I'm with ProgMetalFan there: :confused:
I THINK he's trying to say that they both sound like they've been done wrong (as the example 'who killed his kids') and Warrel sounds mad as a result, and Tom 'just' emotionally scarred. Hmmmm....
My two favorite singers, but I prefer the emotionally scarred sound;)
Don't know what you had in mind there.......some more "happy" stuff??

no! some real agressive thrash! which is the side nevermore is on. not that i expect it or anything..i'm just discussing...and i think it would be cool if a band at evergrey's technical level put together something as heavy as it gets because that doesn't happen a lot...
Originally posted by The_Accolade

no! some real agressive thrash! which is the side nevermore is on. not that i expect it or anything..i'm just discussing...and i think it would be cool if a band at evergrey's technical level put together something as heavy as it gets because that doesn't happen a lot...

I don't think Evergrey needs to do thrash. They have their own unique sound.
Originally posted by The_Accolade

no! some real agressive thrash! which is the side nevermore is on. not that i expect it or anything..i'm just discussing...and i think it would be cool if a band at evergrey's technical level put together something as heavy as it gets because that doesn't happen a lot...

Why must everything be Trash, grunts, growls, faster and more aggressive? A band has their own sound, that's their own identity. And Evergrey have chosen to sound like they do. They sound unique, and in IMHO they sound fantastic. And besides that, Tom and growls and or as a trash singer? No way. They should not change their direction. Then it wouldn't be Evergrey anymore...

My female two cents.
whoah take it easy!

i'm not saying that's what they should do at all!

i'm saying too bad they can't do it...because i would love to hear it. i love to hear music that gets me off my ass, gets my heart beating, gets me ready to do something big and crazy!! music so intense it makes me want to laugh with madness
and with the skill, the melody, and the atmosphere in evergrey, if they did happen to do a couple of songs like that, it would be a new sound, for them, but also something never heard before in thrash. what is so bad about contemplating that possibility now?

seriously i try to discuss something w/ you guys/girls and you have to bite my head off. all i wanted was to have a conversation about something interesting..about something more than kissing a band's ass, big time, which is all i ever read at any forum. but i guess that's not possible, not even to find someone who would be like "yeah that would be would also be cool if theydid a project like this, with these other musicians" or whatever
fuckit, maybe the internet isn't for finding interesting people to talk to at all, and that's why i'm here at work, bored off my ass. thanks people!!!

if you look at my first post i said this about evergrey's music "its in a pretty good groove big deal "
-as in "they have already found a sound that is uniquely and recognizably theirs (their groove)...and its kickass"

:mad: :mad: :mad:

i hope you can one day open your minds your ears your eyes and your hearts
Wooh, who's biting whose head off now?
They are merely giving their opinions, you know, like you wanted, and they just don't like the idea of Evergrey trying real different stuff.

Anyway, I do understand what you are saying and I too would be pretty curious how those kind of songs would sound done by Evergrey. Not that I think they should incorporate songs like that on their albums, but maybe an experimetal bonus track? ;) It's hard to imagine but maybe it would sound a bit like Death with more soulful vocals and a darker atmosphere?

Besides that, I wouldn't mind at all to see more aggressive/heavier parts in their songs, I miss that sometimes. In certain songs they prove they are well capable of rocking our socks off with some extra heavy stuff :p're pretty cool ;) \m/

and yeah maybe i took it badly, but i didn't like getting all that negativity from makes me an angry man
i suppose i should have made a bit more compliments to tom in my first post before i started talking like that
Originally posted by The_Accolade're pretty cool ;) \m/

and yeah maybe i took it badly, but i didn't like getting all that negativity from makes me an angry man
i suppose i should have made a bit more compliments to tom in my first post before i started talking like that

haha thanks! :grin: \m/

well, if you ask for a discussion, you can encounter people that don't agree with you. I guess your Arab/Greek temperament took over eh?;)

About compliments.. just be yourself and be honest.. Words Mean Nothing if they don't come from the heart :s
I believe that Evergrey are capable of doing any style of metal they chose.. based on their incredible talent! However, I think that they are able to create haunting atmospheres and curious moods richer than any death/thrash metal band. (Not that the death/thrash style bands aren't without their charms.. it just speaks words about Evergrey that they are able to achieve such intensity without resorting to growling..etc)