The end of mellotron - we can't use the name


METAL... nuff said!
The owner of the trademark and original designs of th mellotron has finally got back to .us, and refuses to allow us to continue, in any version or spelling or grammatical/punctuational modifications.

We need a new name.

I 'm voting for Turd Sandwich or Giant Douche.
Here are a few options, off the top of my head:

1) I checked out the web site…looks like an old Geocities page…dude isn’t exactly dealing from a position of power…keep the name Mellotron…if he doesn’t like it, challenge him to contact his hotshot attorneys at

2) If you really dig the Mellotron, name your band Sutton Coldfield…if it turns out that someone already owns the rights to that name, call it Sutton Coldfield Communion

3) If you don’t feel like going through all the legal hassle with Mellotron, just change the name to Moog
Bring in some reggae influences (a la those few fantastic riffs on FW's No Exit) with lots of whammy bar theatrics and call the band Trello-Mon?

Or... What about the infamous Irish light-cycle rider, Mel O'Tron?

(Seriously though, I know this sucks. I think the usual method is to get the band in a room with a case of beer [or whatever suits all y'all], and lock the door until you've brainstormed something you all can live with. Then do a google search, find out there are seven other bands and one multinational corporation using the same name, and go shopping for another case of beer. Lather, rinse, repeat.)
Here are a few options, off the top of my head:

1) I checked out the web site…looks like an old Geocities page…dude isn’t exactly dealing from a position of power…keep the name Mellotron…if he doesn’t like it, challenge him to contact his hotshot attorneys at

I imagine you posted this as a joke because this is really bad advice. I wouldn't fuck around with Dave Kean. Super nice guy but he owns the rights to Mellotron and I guarantee you he will enforce the ownership of his copyright. I don't think you want to find out who is really in the position of power.
I imagine you posted this as a joke because this is really bad advice. I wouldn't fuck around with Dave Kean. Super nice guy but he owns the rights to Mellotron and I guarantee you he will enforce the ownership of his copyright. I don't think you want to find out who is really in the position of power.

It was, of course, a joke, as evidenced by my last suggestion to change the name to Moog if you want to avoid legal hassles; I like to provide one-stop shopping for really bad advice on message boards, all free of charge.
The obvious answer is going with Mellotron of Fire.

(knows that's not how it works)
What about something like Mellodrone?
Edit: I guess that might not work either as there's a Melodrone and a Mellowdrone.