The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted.

proton beams. Much higher collision speeds which produces showers of other rare and interesting particles, possibly including the higgs boson. Tempting to say smaller particles but sometimes they can be much bigger than what went in!

The lead experiment is to generate huge temperatures to simulate the big bang, it also annihilates protons, not at the same sort of energy levels but in far larger quantities
all lhc experiments are parallel in constitution of cpt symmetry and lorentz covariance. these are paramount under the research of elementary or fundamental particles. all acceleration involves hadron collision through the use of circular acceleration.

the significance of the lead experiment is to observe the neutron phenomenon. not proton.

another purpose of the experiment is to observe the billionth of a sec that happens before the transformation, not the transformation itself.

you are right... this isn't the first experiment that everyone was up in arms about... every experiment is.
Same here. I just wonder where all the loonies who predicted that the world would end as soon as the LHC was turned on are.

probably hanging with the same guys who theorized that the 1st nuclear bomb detonation would start an unending chain reaction that would torch the entire planet's atmosphere