The End of the World


Apr 17, 2005
When I write or speak about the important questions of life, when I still try to build dams on the way of a devastating flood, most of my friends and many strangers as well define me as a naive optimist. They think that the game is indefinitely over, the life of the planet is in decline and is ruining at a rapidly accelerating pace towards the final suffocation, and there's nothing to do about it anymore.

But I still argue against that. I know the same things as they do, I know that the end of history is near. Still, I am talking about very high probabilities, not about certainties. It is almost the same thing, but only almost.
we are going to destroy ourselves, and we take Earth with us in the fall. blind is the human consciousness, blind is the conscience, with open eyes we fall.
you got a point, but what i ment was that mankind destroy the Earth and the nature, and therefor we'll bring Earth with us in the fall. But on the other hand, we maybe destroy ourself befor nature really takes damage of our actions - and the Earh lives on, much happier, whitout the terrible animal homo sapiens..
The way I think about the end of our race is through the way most races ended, their weakness. It took me awhile to figure out what our weakness was, because I was looking at our extermination from a third person view, thinking that something would destroy us. However, I couldn't think of a weakness, because us humans can practically destroy everything in sight, even our celestial neighbors.
If you look at this from the first person view, you would think, how can I utilize my resources to protect me? This is where our weakness is, our brain. It will eventually be our downfall. If you think about it, it makes sense. Einstein, one of the most brilliant people of our time inadvertanly created the Atomic bomb. Although he didn't intend for it to be used for war, it took another mind to decide that. Basically, The stronger your brain is, the more harmful it can be. It is only a matter of time before our weakness is exploited to its full value.