The EssenEss Project Update 06/08/2007

Steve Smyth

Lead Axe
Feb 27, 2002
Another quick note for everybody!

We're at the half-way mark for the final fixes, 6 now done completely, and all things are go for the mix to be done by the end of this weekend! Steve H. and I are waaay happy with how these mixes are sounding right now, and it's only getting better when we master it next week!:rock: :rock: :rock:

Steve H. and I are very pleased to announce that Mr. John Cuniberti will be handling mastering duties for the album! John Cuniberti's credits, and contributions to the music industry, are legendary!
John's engineering/mix mastering credits list is deep! Go to, and type in his name. There may be some unique Bay Area suprises in there, ones I even forgot about, some heavy thrash classics!

As for contributions, ever hear of the ReAmp, all you recording enthusiasts? The man invented it!:rock: :rock:

Our main reason, was one man in particular who John Cuniberti has worked with for most of this man's career: Joe Satriani. Given the rich, deep, and high clarity mixes that Steve and I have heard many a time, it seemed the most logical choice, after Kent Matcke was done with his awesome mixing of the album, to have John's fresh, and extremely talented, ears on the album, to lend that last touch to these mixes!
So, we're very happy to have John on board, handling mastering!:OMG: :rock: :rock: :rock:


Asgeir Mickelson has been working away on our artwork, and we have a great concept from him that really has hit home with the album in a lot of ways! We're nearly together on this end as well, and cannot wait until you all are able to get this into your hands, and check it out! I can't give anything away on this, but trust me, Steve and I think this is fucking AWESOME!!!:notworthy :kickass: :rock:

Allright, all for now. We'll keep you guys updated very soon here, as this week winds down, next week approaches, and the album reaches it's conclusion, from a post production point of view!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Right on everybody!!!

We're scrambling to meet our deadline for tomorrow morning here, and we're looking at 10 of the 12 being done, just 1-2 things to fix for the other 2 songs, and we're there.

Another update to follow tomorrow or so, stay tuned!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:
aw come on Steve, give us something to chew until you release this project. Something like an update telling us how's the weather in bay area:lol: or....

...a full song for streaming on TEP website:p

It's been hotter than Hell itself here!:lol: 3 straight days of high 90's weather, today it broke 100!

The Bay itself has been beautiful, as I've found myself down that way in the past days here for various things......


Stay tuned, we'll get a song up for streaming pretty soon on The EssenEss Project site at some point soon here!