The expected future Mrs. IanDork...

my bro's girlfriend of three years dumped him a month ago because she said she was ashamed that he was a bus boy at a seafood restaurant!
3 years down the tube because she didn't approve of his parttime job! was like 1000-something miles. But it's really not so bad. I like a lot this being single and making lots of new friends thing.
I am engaged and still make lots of friends. It's just that none of them receive tongue/penis/fist.
oh god... I guess I'm in kinda situation which you're in. Same as yours it was a long distance relationship but in mine, the cause wasn't about a long distance. I felt the bitterness of disillusionment from her spiritual sterility. sad sad sad... I hope that you make a lot of good friends.

P.S. Sam, I dunno what 'bling' means. I searched a dictionary but still don't know. Could you tell me what it means?
Man, as an agnostic myself, the next girl I date has to be agnostic. It's not any kind of a problem for me to be friends with people of any religion as long as they aren't intolerant. If they're tolerant I'm happy to afford them the same respect. But, I know I'm not dating with the purpose of getting married or having kids or anything just yet, I'm still far too young for that, but just on the slim chance that I do end up with someone I date now I want to be able to rest assured that my kids won't be brought up in a smothering religious environment. I'm not by any means going to go out of my way to even promote agnosticism to them, I just want to bring them up in a secular environment where whatever decision regarding religion they make won't have any negative consequences. That's something really important to me.
bling: when someone/thing is blinging it is flashy. the term originally comes from diamonds on gold front teeth/jewelry shining in the light and going BLING BLING. something has bling when it has style/flash/$$ behind it.the following things are examples of those that have bling:

- snoop dogg

- four finger rings that say "FUCK" in diamonds on them

- tire rims made of platinum on a hummer that roll backward when you drive
Ian, I guess I did mistake choosing right words. The word 'spiritual' I chose is not about religiousness (agnostic or gnostic... yeah I suck at English) but is about mentality. I should be more careful in writing in English.

P.S. aha, now I know. thank you preppy <3