things that shouldn't annoy me, but totally do, by Amanda


Aug 2, 2002
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2. the fact that everyone in the office makes little comments constantly (even tho it's in a complimentary way) about how i type fast. things like 'oh i can tell amanda's over there because she types so fast!' or 'wow i wish i could type that fast!' it's like, okay... um enough already.

3. the director of my departments' choice of clothes. i mean, she's the director. and she wears mini skirts and fishnets. and she isn't easy on the eyes. i dont know why i care. but i do. and i can't stop caring.

4. men: "HEY PRETTY EYES" ever 2.332132132 seconds. like, okay i got it, thanks. drop it.
i just reread this and analyzed it. it says, basically: a) i hate any type of attention (b) i get irked when other people get negative attention and it's unnecessary (c) i hate waiting.
wow, do you have like laser vision or something?
okay and i just got really annoyed with how forcedly gross this week's 'savage love' was on the onion. YECH. thank god i'm fasting anyway.
chupe, well... apparently so. in fact, the receptionist always says my eyes are like lasers and i can cut through client's faces. hahaha.
I think the most aggravating thing about the search engine is that it's pointedly NOT broken. Sure, it's a clockwork orange, but it's proudly held up as "working just fine"!

As the imp on the MUD I used to play on would say,

"It's not a bug--it's a feature!"
another annoyo thing (annoyo is robina's word!)

i am having a birthday party for my receptionist and got a triple chocolate cake because she loves chocolate, and everyone is whining because they wanted another kind. i'm like NOT YOUR BIRTHDAY, SHUT IT.
ok, here's one that the cake thing made me think of.

my gf's mom is preparing to go through surgery and treatment for lung cancer, and has to stop smoking immediately (though she should've quit aeons ago) now to reduce additional risk of infection during/after surgery/treatment. so a day or two ago, there's a bunch of people over at her house swimming in her pool & eating her food who are smoking right in front of her, even though she is having major nicotine withdrawal fits. my gf asked them to not smoke in front of her mom and they're all like "Why?" and acted like she was breaking their arms- even when she told them that second hand smoke was also a risk of infection/complications to her. how hard is it to go behind the bushes and smoke, really? also, THIS IS NOT YOUR HOUSE, AND YOU ARE HERE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HER & HER STUFF.
those people are assholes. even when i smoked i NEVER smoked around anyone who was sick, around kids, or anyone i knew was quitting or trying to. RUDENESS 101.
another annoying thing: i hate that i totally fit the profile for the new serial killer victims being found around LI and NYC.