The fat security guard

I saw them take someone's Sharpie, but the reason they gave (which made sense) was that it was the same color as the Sharpie they were using to mark 'X's on over-21 hands.

The funny thing I experienced was when the security guy at the door saw the pocketknife on my keyring (I'd never been checked that thoroughly there before, so I didn't think it would be an issue). He immediately started trying to take it off my keyring, stopped, and asked me to take it off, as if its very presence at the outside of the venue meant he had to confiscate it. I said "uh, can't I just take it back to my car?" at which point the light bulb went on ("oh. yeah, I guess so") and he allowed me to do so.

I forgot to ask, did the security take anyone else's pens (for signing stuff) at the door? I brought two pens and they took them because I was "going to write on the bathroom walls" apparently.


What they told me was that there was an incident with a pen where someone
was stabbed or jabbed or whatever....thus the confiscation of the pens. The
sharpie confiscation is indeed due to the hand marking for over 21s. If we do
this next year, we'll have to figure something out to either allow them or
have some on-hand for autographs.
I saw them take someone's Sharpie, but the reason they gave (which made sense) was that it was the same color as the Sharpie they were using to mark 'X's on over-21 hands.

Yeah, my friend had a black marker and that was the reasoning they gave him. I had red and blue markers, and he said I needed to give them to him before I entered. I assumed it was for the same reason, so I was said "Uh.. you guys need them even if they aren't black markers?" and some other guard comes out and is like "I don't care if it's red, blue, green, yellow, whatever, YOU CAN STILL WRITE ON THE BATHROOM WALLS"

Pretty weak.
Yeah, my friend had a black marker and that was the reasoning they gave him. I had red and blue markers, and he said I needed to give them to him before I entered. I assumed it was for the same reason, so I was said "Uh.. you guys need them even if they aren't black markers?" and some other guard comes out and is like "I don't care if it's red, blue, green, yellow, whatever, YOU CAN STILL WRITE ON THE BATHROOM WALLS"

Pretty weak.

You must have been right in front of me in line, because I definitely saw that take place. :lol:
The amusing thing is that BOTH nights I accidentally left a granola bar in my back pocket after I emptied everything out, and the guy didn't even bother to pat down my back pockets! Just remember guys, if you want to sneak in anything, don't hide it in your socks because they'll check there...just put it in your back pocket. :rolleyes:

Well, what if you are like Crisco???
You know..."Fat in the can"
The security was semi thorough, most times I've been to the Pearl Room there wasn't even a pat down. I ended up getting two of my silver markers taken away at the door, but I had a 3rd one with me that didn't get taken away.
My dad had one of his pens in his camera bag taken away the first day, then he remembered to leave them the second day.

The security guard was pretty nice at first, a bit funny, but then he started to get old, act like an ass, and was fishing for attention. He seemed like the kind of guy that wanted to be a cop, but couldn't so he went to some venue and became a security guard instead.
My dad had one of his pens in his camera bag taken away the first day, then he remembered to leave them the second day.

The security guard was pretty nice at first, a bit funny, but then he started to get old, act like an ass, and was fishing for attention. He seemed like the kind of guy that wanted to be a cop, but couldn't so he went to some venue and became a security guard instead.

you just defined almost every security person ever.