The fine art of writing hungover poetry...


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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"As the mornings first lights broke the darkness into scattered shadows, red eyes slowly emerged from their hiding. The profound odor of liquor weaved it's way through the dimly lit room. The sound of a million angels beating their wings, battering a soul with debt and in the calmed chaos to follow would collect . The earth smiled and accelerated its way across the galaxy. There in his bed he laid statically travelling at a velocity of 300.000 kilometers a second around the center of the known universe. Foggy memories blending in and out of their shady existence. On the floor lay the wallet, gaping in emptiness without purpose no longer... The tearing of synaptic gaps growing ever so loud. On his back with hands firmly holding on to his satellite, eyes closed... slowly drifted through universe in a gently choreographed dance never reaching a destination."

Man I am hungover!! :lol: