The first metal band i've ever recorded


Feb 16, 2010
Memphis, Tn
Unfortunately they weren't very tight on their parts so i did the best i could. Also, i'm working with very cheap equipment. My main interface was my line 6 toneport gx. Drums are dkfh with the kick and snare replaced with some random samples i have. Guitars are gearbox (ghetto podfarm, just because i can't get pod farm volumes right. They're either clipping when i double track or they're to quiet) as is bass.

Please let me know what i could do differently or improve. I'm pretty new at this. haha
Humanize those drums! Also, compress the vocals some (more, if you already have) and cut some 5k out of the guitars.
Yeah, the toms feel a little fake in the beginning. haha I tried changing up the velocity and it didn't seem to do much good. Thanks though man, ill try to tweak it some more!