The first time I think I might be happy with a Miced Amp. opinions?


Micah Amstutz
Jan 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Just a little background... I have always gone to Pod Farm rout, simply because it was the easiest way to get into recording with decent results. I have ALWAYS wanted to mic amps from day 1, but never had much luck with the tone. It always was phasey, muddy, weak, or just plain sucked. 2 years, a few thousand dollars, and a LOT of hour pulling my hair out over really bad results, I think I am actually fairly happy with a tone. I was wondering if I could get some comments, and suggestions for further progress... or just tell me if I'm still a long way off. I am looking for some serious constructive criticism.

Here is a short clip. It's a song by a local high school-aged band. Not me. So please don't judge the semi-sloppy playing :) in the End 5150 reamp master-01 mp3.mp3

UPDATED CLIP: in the End 5150 reamp master-02 mp3.mp3
I listened to the clip, and then read your post. Lucky because I was going to mention the playing haha. I think if you cleaned that up a bit it would help. The tone isn't bad, but I think its a bit washy for me, especially in the palm mute sections. Are you pushing the amp as hard as possible? What amp are you running through?

I struggle to get great tones through mic'd amps, I think you are on the right track.
Yea im on headphones but the tone sounds pretty good. The guitar playing is a distraction, but you should be happy with the tone you got.

Any amp/cab mic details?
thanks a lot guys. Really means a lot coming from people I know do great work.

josh; I loooooved what you did for Of Virtue. I bought the ep afer I heard the song you posted. awesome stuff! are they planning more with you?

the clip is a 5150 script with bias mod into a Mesa 4x12 standard recto dual miced. had a lot of post processing on it. Here is another clip reamped again. I spent a lot more time with dialing the amp. boosted with a ts9dx this time. not nearly as much post processing. in the End 5150 reamp master-02 mp3.mp3

I am QUITE pleased with this one :) this one is totally unedited though. the first one I edited the chokes.
Just a suggestion, and this to me has been the best advice I can take for myself anyway!
When micing up a real amp, try to get the tone essentially almost perfect before you eq it etc. The best tones I've gotten have only require a HP, LP and a few surgical cuts. I enjoyed the second clip better. Just keep at it, you'll start finding the sweet spots :)
But yeah, like I said, it's a lot different to sitting there with the VST and essentially changing parameters on the fly that would require an entire rework of your ACTUAL micing and setting etc. Just approach it as it is, and you should get some great results.
Just a suggestion, and this to me has been the best advice I can take for myself anyway!
When micing up a real amp, try to get the tone essentially almost perfect before you eq it etc. The best tones I've gotten have only require a HP, LP and a few surgical cuts. I enjoyed the second clip better. Just keep at it, you'll start finding the sweet spots :)
But yeah, like I said, it's a lot different to sitting there with the VST and essentially changing parameters on the fly that would require an entire rework of your ACTUAL micing and setting etc. Just approach it as it is, and you should get some great results.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. that's almost exactly the approach I took with the second clip. I turned off all the plugins except for a hp/lp and played with amp settings. did several runs solod and in the mix. on the second clip, pretty much all I have is hp/lp, a small notch around 400hz to cut out some mud, small boost around 1600 hz to add clarity, and a slight bit-o-djent, a small boost around 100 (I found that adding bass on the amp added mud, so I boosted a tad in post instead), and a very slight scoop of the mids in general to help the drums cut through. not exactly hp/lp in the end, but that's what I did to come up with my settings to start with.