
R.i.P. Lizard
Mar 9, 2004
northern ireland
the flies are gone...

Unhinged vers4- 'A Plague of White' is online now

including recent work for The Clan Destined, Primordial, The Exploited, Scald, Adorior, Sons Of Slaughter, Crucifracure and more.

visit and let me know what you think of the new site
best viewed on IE. on fullscreen - F11 on your keyboard

it's a lot more stripped down than the last one
haven't been around much lately, totally up to my eyes in shit:ill:

Plzdatemekthx said:
cool shit man!

now where's Vermiculatus? ;)

its in Italy...sampling fine wines and pasta

I don't have a release date yet
hopefully soon
we were pretty late with it as were a bunch of others this year like negura bunget etc so the labels got to rearrange everything which is pretty hard to do with limited funds.

the cheapo diy dvd's coming along though
that might even be out before it

the new mcd should be recorded pretty soon too
there'll be a couple of the tunes on the dvd ....albeit badly played :tickled:
yeah, man I need the new one. my Headworm cd is getting played too much. i needs me some new Scald.
i listned to Headworm the other night and GO D DAMMIT if that' snot some amazing shit then i like to toake ait up tohe pooper.
started listening to headworm again myself actually
after a couple of years from recording something you can detach and get a diferent perspective on it
it sounds better to me now which is cool, a couple of tempos that could have been slower, wait till you hear spiracle live o_O and you'll see what I mean
but I'm still really proud of it, I think it set a standard that we shouldn't fall below

some of the artwork on it bugs me now though:rolleyes: