"the forgotten" or "the village"

The Village was horrible, and everyone I have talked to about Forgotten said that was horrible as well. I don't know if it's out yet on DVD but the remake of "The Stepford Wives" was really good.
I wouldn't say The Forgotten sucked. I saw it and I would've considered it about an average film, and I don't regret having gone to see it.

The Village, on the other hand, is an excruciatingly miserable excuse for a film with horrid, stilted dialogue, bad acting, and an extremely stupid plot. There isn't anything even resembling horror or suspense in it. Two hours of my life I will never get back.
Rose Immortal said:
The Village, on the other hand, is an excruciatingly miserable excuse for a film with horrid, stilted dialogue, bad acting, and an extremely stupid plot. There isn't anything even resembling horror or suspense in it. Two hours of my life I will never get back.

Look on the bright side, it was better than Cabin Fever :)
Haven't seen that...and if it could possibly be worse than The Village, I can see I had better not!
The Village, on the other hand, is an excruciatingly miserable excuse for a film with horrid, stilted dialogue, bad acting, and an extremely stupid plot. There isn't anything even resembling horror or suspense in it. Two hours of my life I will never get back.

with such a glowing review, I really cant wait to rush out and see it now


while we're on the topic of horror movies, has anyone here seen The Grudge yet? If so what did they think of it (I havent seen it yet).
Screw sci fi, everyone should go out and watch Team America. No, not because of the puppet sex, either. It has some great satire and it makes some valid points.
I know i started this thread waaaaay before. But i'have seen both movies, and i want to say, "The Village" is one of the very good movies that i've seen so far in my life. It is not an horror movie. It even doesn't pass near it. I was shocked by its ending, and what it tries to tell about human mind and even social physcology. I suggest everyone to watch this one. Night Shayamalan is really a mind blowing writer. "6th Sense" was also fantastic.
Go see both. Both movies suck just as much ass as the other, but nothing's stopping you from making fun of the movie in the middle... Unless you're the kind of person that doesnt do that.
ptah knemu said:
Go see both. Both movies suck just as much ass as the other, but nothing's stopping you from making fun of the movie in the middle... Unless you're the kind of person that doesnt do that.

Please read the post above yours :)
Oh, sorry. I kinda read the title, thought for a second,and just pressed "Post Reply".
It just seemed kinda... not for me. I could never place my finger on exactly what it was, but it just seemed like it could've been much better.
turke said:
It is ok ;) Why didn't you like Village ?

I'll answer this...the acting was bad, the creatures looked stupid (how can you really be afraid of a giant porcupine?), and I could see the "shock ending" coming a mile away. I could have sworn I've seen a Twilight Zone episode with a similar plot.

A really good horror/thriller (I tend to not like to use the term "horror" for a movie like this, because to me, "horror" usually involves the supernatural somewhat) is Saw and its sequel Saw II. The first Saw (while being very similar to Se7en in some regards) had a great plot, great ending, but terrible acting (whoever decided it would be a good idea to cast Cary Elwes in that role needs to be shot). Saw II, plot isn't quite as good as the first, but it delves more into the backstory and mind of the serial killer "Jigsaw" and does have a very cool surprise ending as well. I still actually like Saw II better because, while not as good as an overall story as the first, at least the acting was better :)

Can't wait for the 3rd one...
turke said:
I found "Saw" kinda dull actually :) We have just opposite tastes.

I can actually understand someone finding this movie dull though. I don't know, for me those kinds of movies are cool...I also loved The Ring (and loved the original "Ringu" even more) and I know with people that movie is sort of hit or miss (either you find it completely terrifying or you thought it was stupid).
The Village and Forgotten were both mediocre at best in my book. I saw the ending of The Village comming a mile away. I've totally given up any hope for another good M. Night movie that isnt a poor attempt to rekindle the glory that he had with 6th sence.

There has been a steady decline in good Sci-fi/horror flicks in, say the past 5-10 years (Mabie more!), with mostly poor sequels/remakes flooding the market. And now were faced with even worse movies, the Video game movie, could things get any worse??

I was very dissapointed in Rob Zombie's movies, of which I had high hopes for. (at least Devils Rejects was 1000x better than 1000 corpses)

I must say though, the last really good sci-fi flick I can remember seeing is Serenity which totally blew me away...

Saw wasn't scary or anything, but it was fairly origional with a really good surprise ending that even I didnt see comming which is a big plus in my book.