The Former Official neverboard photo site

va a ser jodido postear aca sin saber ingles,pero bueno ahi va algo

saludos amigos yanquis
i have a picture up there with me and steve smyth. im wearing a white NM tshirt and it looks like im a lot taller than steve. thats only because we were on a slanted hill lol
someone should re take over the nevermore photo site. i looked at it a short while ago and it said like some members here were like still 12 or 15 or whatever which i doubt is true still :lol:
Well, if David wants, I'm willing to take it over. I got zee skills, and I can just host it on my website.
I suppose you can have it. Assuming you ask me in IRC, and I recall how to access the managing part of those stupid servers the site is on.
There's a lot of new people now. The site should be updated and pics should be submitted.

Maybe start from scratch with a new thread to get interest going.

also a whole new site design would be nice