The Former Official neverboard photo site

Just sent my stoof. But I that I think I sent it by my mom's e-mail, since I guess that's what happened when I sent the image ... *not sure* ... *head hurts* *is inept* You'll probobly know it's me, though. Whatever.
Meh. Added Rhapsody to the belgian's Favorite bands list, updated jewfro photos, and jewbands.
Darkspot: I'm a master of sard, forgive my suckery. I will get to your page on Wednesday afternoon.
rottingflesh said:
Wow, I have been on Nevermore's messsage board since 99 when it was part of their website and I hardly post anymore... :) I looked at all of the pics on here and realize that I am an old lady, you guys are all so young. Anyone else old here?
I pop on here from time to time and I'm an old biddy!