the french.

I've noticed that in recent times people have begun to hate on the French, call them ignorant, arseholes, etc. However I believe it's nothing more than a common misconception. I've been to France and have had French friends in the past, and I have to say from my experience they're very nice people.

To put a whole nation of people in a box and slap a big ARSEHOLES label on it is just ridiculous. There are many arseholes and many ignorant individuals in every country.

Is it possible to give this post a "You just won this topic" award?
ive only ever met one decent french person and he was ur stereotypical french person, he was restaurant manager and highly trained waitor taught me silver service, wine service etc ( i worked at a posh hotel last summer)



To put a whole nation of people in a box and slap a big ARSEHOLES label on it is just ridiculous. There are many arseholes and many ignorant individuals in every country.

This. If you're a prick you're a prick, if you're not you're not, it doesn't matter where you come from. Come to think of it this reminds me of Nosophoros. :p
I take it I'm not the only one who can see the glaringly obvious divide between the ignorant and the wise in this thread?

Some of you need to grow up.
a certain set of lyrics come to mind.
granted this is more ethnocentrism than raceism but

Strong we'd be
No devide
Ever closer
To one mind.
The reason so few French people are on metal forums is probably that not a lot of French people speak English. I'm sure there are a lot of them on their own metal forums though.
I would think so. but like i said before, the notion of walking into a bar, seeing a bunch of guys in denim and leather, and then hearing them speaking french seems absurd.