Get the fuck off of here, you sick fuck.
What fucking right do you have to laugh at the disabled?
I really don't even know what to say to this. This is the funniest video on youtube? You're a sick, pathetic, disgusting man and your presence on this forum makes me feel fucking ill, and the fact that someone like you uses the same forum as myself makes me feel fucking ashamed.
ohhh give me a break you pussy ass motherfucker. :D It's not the disabled that are funny but that dude laughing :D

P.S. Everyone else.... you got to watch it to the end !
And I hope you realise what issue your treading on here, cus its pretty fucking important to some of us. Obviously not you.
ok and the disabled! LOL
Case in point.

I look at this video and I see a couple of individuals who got severely fucked over by life, and that's by no means fair on them, and to rub that in their faces is by all definitions sick. My sister has downs syndrome, so this is hitting a particularly personal note. It's not the result of a surgery, obviously, she's been that way from the very start, and to me, that is life fucking her over.
I find it deeply worrying that you seem to find misfortune of the disabled so amusing. There's a point where things go to far, and you've over stepped the fucking mark.
You literally make me feel fucking sick.
Case in point.

I look at this video and I see a couple of individuals who got severely fucked over by life, and that's by no means fair on them, and to rub that in their faces is by all definitions sick. My sister has downs syndrome, so this is hitting a particularly personal note. It's not the result of a surgery, obviously, she's been that way from the very start, and to me, that is life fucking her over.
I find it deeply worrying that you seem to find misfortune of the disabled so amusing. There's a point where things go to far, and you've over stepped the fucking mark.
You literally make me feel fucking sick.

Dude, I'm sorry for your sister. I didn't want to label her or any other disabled folks.... It's just this VIDEO...... THIS VIDEO that's funny...not all the I wouldn't like it if I was disabled and others were laughing at me.....I fell sorry for those guys... but this tv host is fuckin' funny man :D

fucked up, lost his job and shit ;D LOL
Stop side-stepping my replies and answer them properly.
My masturbatory habits or whether I'm getting laid or not right now are of no concern of yours, and right now, you've got to be a fucking man and step up to the plate and deal with the fact that you're offending the fuck out of myself, and most likely a fair few other people on this forum.
You're an adult, accept your actions and deal with them, stop side-stepping the fucking issue here.
If anyone else posted a video that deeply offended another forum member, they'd most likely take it down or apolagise for causing offense all the while you're fucking revelling in it.
Make amends for your actions.
LOL guys you took it too seriously. You dont know that in fact this is not real, the laughing guy is a comedian and those ppl were seen on same stage in some other gags.
I apologize to you Dodo and I'm sorry that I insulted you...
I didn't know that this will piss you off, but what doesn't piss you off right? I mean whatever I post here attracts your bitchin' and complaining... And if it's not insulting issue, you start criticizing....Like in when I posted my dog's pictures and the first fuckin' thing I see is your cunting and insulting my dog... " he's ugly....he's ugly bo bo bibu" fuckin' sissy. and then you hypocriticly start to compliment other dog pictures that others posted....but the truth is and you said it yourself..."I fuckin' hate dogs" ...and you hide that fact behind you hypocrisy flavoured compliments..... you're a fuckin' dick from UK. UK DICK!

....I like UK!

all others who are laughing their ass off... cheers ;)
Uncle Junior, let's just say that it's a pretty big deal that you can so easily and consistently piss Dodo off. We've really tried to be patient with you, but you've both failed to see anyone else's sense of humor *and* tried to play the victim when yours doesn't work.

why even bring the dog thing into it? At least Rufus doesn't look like an inbred half cousin of a half cousin of a half cousin.
And as far as the the falsity of the video goes, fair enough, I've had a few drinks, but to post something like that and not think about any reprocussions is half-witted on your part.
The way you dealed with my initial response was even worse.
ok and the disabled! LOL
Such a response is simply pathetic, whatever way you wish to spin it.
Uncle Junior, let's just say that it's a pretty big deal that you can so easily and consistently piss Dodo off. We've really tried to be patient with you, but you've both failed to see anyone else's sense of humor *and* tried to play the victim when yours doesn't work.


whatever man.... he's been here longer than me and has backup.

I just don't give a fuck, and I don't play any victim here... you're way of here...I'm just talkin' facts, or let's say argumenting my ideas.
With or without his backup and your tenure you'd get the same treatment. This has nothing to do with us playing favorites or randomly hazing new members, no matter how much you want to shrug it off as that.

If you really don't think you look like you're playing the victim, try rereading your own posts.

Dodo look yourself in the mirror and check if there's anything hanging between your legs......'cause bro I think you're a woman :D you just can't stop bitchin' : "you said this and said that to meeee :waah:" , "your reply was insulting, you're sick :waah:" , I mean dude " you this, you that..."


no wonder you dont' want to dominate your woman..... she's the man in your relationship....

...and I think you misspelled you nickname....It's not Dodo It's more like DILDO that's been shoved up your ass, by your chick.
