The fictitious laughing presenter "Erik Hartman" is a character played by Tom Van Dyck, a Flemish comedian and actor. The two guests are portrayed by Lucas Van Den Eynde (as Valère) and An Miller (as Marijke). The full version of the sketch shows the Hartman character as a radio DJ looking back upon the giggling incident that had caused him to be fired.
Wow..this thread WTF! Okay as a south park fan I absolutely agree with Emdprodukt here :) I worked in a hospital and I saw the most terrible things in my have to learn to laugh about it in a certain way, being cynical as fuck.
Yes! I almost forgot about that video. I dun deed it mayn.


Dude, this makes me laugh from start to finish. :lol:
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Who is that guy? Is he really mental disabled or just he looks like it because of the video editing?

I really don't know. I would say it's the editing.

He makes a pretty bad mess of his attempt in the original rap battle video. But he's probably just nervous and choking hard rather than brain damaged.
I agree, the aruments are a bit ridiculous. You could take them to PM's.

Not to side with anyone; I thought the video was harmless and quite funny because as junior said, the joke was about the presenter not the disabled.
I didn't bother reading much more then the first page, but seriously..
I have a brother that was born with Cerebral Palsy, but i still found that video pretty funny dude.

Its not that we are laughing at the guy who got his voice fucked up during surgery, its just that the situation gets so absurd when the guy starts laughing at him that it gets funny.
Just like when my handicapped brother called my other brother "Jävla CP-barn!", when he in fact has Cerebral Palsy himself.
Its funny because its so absurd, not because he is handicapped.

- "Jävla CP-barn" translates into "Fucking CP-child", which is the Swedish equivalent of saying "Fucking Retard" to someone.