the funniest website you will ever see!

hahahaha ohh man, what idoits! i just read through the first post so far and god damn that's not how it works! :rofl:
that's just so dumb and fuckin unreal.
thanks for sharing mate, but i'll continue with this in a bit, need to get back to school soon :/

EDIT: At first I thought "2:Blow!" meant subtly blow hookers and "3:Get High!" meant to do the greens.. :lol:
EDIT2: I got a hilarious idea, I'm thinking of maybe going over there and registering and creating a thread about favourite music....maybe post some clips of black metal or pure raw death metal. see what they have to say about THAT! :lol: idk, just sounds like it would be kinda fun
Guys, it's all satire. Not serious. They're making fun of "Creationist" and or "intelligent design". They're all poe's. Trolls, if you will.
Guys, it's all satire. Not serious. They're making fun of "Creationist" and or "intelligent design". They're all poe's. Trolls, if you will.

Posts: 8,699
Posts: 7,540
Posts: 2,667
Posts: 20,786

really? i mean seriously though....ok maybe. but only because it's so hilarious do i see a reason to go that far
There are a few websites here in france too, mostly to laugh at extreme right wind parties. Some of them are realized like webzines with constructed articles etc. Some of them post thousands of posts as well :)
6 years ago i stopped getting sick. no stuffy nose, no flu, no temperature even right now. probably won't ever again, but people like these give praise to a higher power for occurances like this and then in the same token condemn the innocent as punished by god. i think knowledge is more progressive and these suit dummies don't get it. people have a tendency to gravitate towards their negative instincts and seek a solution, but don't embrace any accurate cognitive response, which has become a demon to me.

i'm no cookie Cutter, but these alliances are LITERALLY scary. 'the earth is flat' get it together!
HAHAHAHAHA this is pure gold!!!

Check this thread out:

"Most people recognize that being gay is just a filthy choice, comparable with choosing to become a hippie vegan or a vegetarian child rapist"

I love that he managed to get both vegans, gays and child rapist in the same sentence :D

And man, just look at their medals to the left of their avatars. Ex-masturbator :D haha

It has to be a joke right??
HAHAHAHAHA this is pure gold!!!

Check this thread out:

"Most people recognize that being gay is just a filthy choice, comparable with choosing to become a hippie vegan or a vegetarian child rapist"

I love that he managed to get both vegans, gays and child rapist in the same sentence :D

And man, just look at their medals to the left of their avatars. Ex-masturbator :D haha

It has to be a joke right??

This website is like an everlasting source of lulz that just keeps on giving and giving...

"There are entire categories of music that are sinful.
Disco music is still around, and it is still turning Godly men into flaming homos when they accidentally listen to it.

R&B, soul, jazz, funk, all lead to marijuana use, and from there to heroin, crack and meth addiction.

Irish music promotes drunkenness, Catholicism, and a belief in those demonic 'little people' infesting Ireland.

Bluegrass and folk music promote vegetarianism, liberalism, and socialism.

New Age music is like bluegrass and folk in it's effects, and it also adds satanism, abortions, and susceptibility to Jewish influence.

I would advise extreme caution in straying much beyond such safe music as country, and patriotic tunes played at Republican conventions. "