The Funniest thing that's happened to you lately

A sequel to my other thread, this thread better be funny!

A few things that happened to me today that were funny.

Firstly, I was driving to CDwarehouse, I had music playing reallly loud, and when the 12 minute song I was listening to ended, I heard "click, click, click" I wonder how long my right turn signal was on? :grin:

I know that wasn't too funny, but I had to get the thread started, I'll think of better stuff as it happens
Umm... Today, in driver's ed, we had a cop come in. He put handcuffs on a kid that's not usually in our class, but was for today. And the cop put handcuffs on the guy. Turns out the cop didn't have his keys with him. He had to call his partner to come in with some keys. It was hilarious. :lol:
I declared my undying love to a girl and she didn't even say thanx or anything.she just looked back and said: ok
it wasn't funny for me but all my friends laughed for about 20 minutes after I told them
This happened quite some time ago...(so it doesn't exactly fit with the funniest thing that happened lateley thread, but it's damn funny *to me*), so I will share regardless. :p

I was walking home after school. My friend decided to walk half way with me (as it was along her way to work). Anyhow I figured we should take a "short-cut"... (This is classic me...anyone who knows me should never take one of my "short-cuts"...)

Ok so we get to a point where it's a little too late to turn back, but there's a problem. We've got no choice but to walk through the creek. Just to make sure she'd follow me, I took her school bag and tossed it to the other side. (Aside from being pissed, she was willing to follow now). hehe

So we take off our shoes and socks, and roll up our jeans to our knees. I went first. I got about mid-way through the creek when all of a sudden I was up to my waist in cold water. (It seems the creek got deep in the center). Ok no problem, I got to the other side, and figured my friend had seen this. I still had my back turned to her when I heard my name called faintly. I turn to find my friend sitting neck-deep in water. She had slipped on a large flat-rock, and was soaked to the boan. Not only that, but one of her socks was floating away down stream. (I'm actually laughing as I write this :lol: ) Now I'm kneeling on the ground laughing hysterically...I was of no help. Hell I almost pissed my pants! And the best part is, when she stood up to walk the rest of the way, she slipped and fell to her ass again...neck-deep.
I'll never forget the look on her face. So yah, there we were walking down the street completely soaked. (Well I didn't have far to walk at least, but she ended up having to go home to get dry she was late for work).
Hum... I never remember these funny things, had to think
for a really long while before I remembered this! hehe...

Here we go; My beloved one's brother called today, and
I picked it up. "Hold on a second, I'll get him for ya." Yupp,
so I walk into the living-room to wake my boy up, cause
he'd fallen asleep, he was so tired! >:o)

"Ey, your brother's on the phone." And then I point to the
phone. While my sleepy little boy just looked at me with the
most tired eyes I've EVER seen, almost angry. "Whaaaat?!
WHAT?! Why? WHY? WHY? WHY??" He didn't understand
that it was a phonecall for him! >:o))) His face... I laugh
just thinking about it >:o)

Yuck, I guess all these funny things... You have to be there
and see it happen to think it's funny >:oP

And Rune Fairy; I wish I had seen your friend! Lol.
I'd probably pass out laughing! Hehehe..... >:o)
Blackspirit, that was funny because stuff like that has happened to me :lol:

Here's a decent one. I was smoking with my friend, and I was trying to switch the CD, so I had the jewelcase open and CD in my hand. I then said to my friend "I need a drink". My friend points to a glass with water in it, "There is water in that one". "What?" "That glass there, it has water in it", "O, ok." I stare at it for a while, then switch the CD's. I ask my friend "What were you saying again?" "There is water in that glass!" "So?" "You said you were thirsty!" "O, yeah, thanks"

Good times :lol:
Originally posted by Oyo
Blackspirit, that was funny because stuff like that has happened to me :lol:

Here's a decent one. I was smoking with my friend, and I was trying to switch the CD, so I had the jewelcase open and CD in my hand. I then said to my friend "I need a drink". My friend points to a glass with water in it, "There is water in that one". "What?" "That glass there, it has water in it", "O, ok." I stare at it for a while, then switch the CD's. I ask my friend "What were you saying again?" "There is water in that glass!" "So?" "You said you were thirsty!" "O, yeah, thanks"

Good times :lol:

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man! That REALLY made me laugh!!!
Hehehe.... I can picture it SO well!!!! >:o))))

Hihihi.... >:o) Thanks for making me start my day with
a smile on my face (same to you Hearse!)
hey,i was reading this thread yesterday laughing.....and sadly enough realized that nothing really funny has happened to me lately....but today hehe GodessLuck heard my prayer ;)

hehe this evening i had a boring laboratory class....while waiting for that killing sometime on a bench in the uni's garden with a friend of mine (female) there comes a strange man close... and starts talking ( we didn't really understand what he was saying).He didn't looked dangerous,nor he was stoned or drunk,but probably he was a bit hmmm mentally ill....
anyway,we didn't pay much attention to him and suddenly he says are you couple? do i disturb? :lol: me and my friend freaked out and start laughing stupidly...well he kept on talking and asking somethings and well we decided to leave politely... and we said bye and he told us don't "do it" in the garden :lol: :lol:
you can imagine that we laughed quite a lot afterwards...