What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?

Lolita Vampiriá said:
Thank you ALL again for your sympathy.
I was somehow touched by the compassion you felt for me about this unspeakable thing that I've told before...

FUCK, girl. I can't say anything like that has happened to me, but I totally respect you for being able to even mention that to a bunch of strangers on the internet. I'm sorry this happened to you...the world is really a shitty place sometimes. I just hope whoever did that to you got what they deserved.
tara said:
FUCK, girl. I can't say anything like that has happened to me, but I totally respect you for being able to even mention that to a bunch of strangers on the internet.
Like Sameul L. Jackson said in "The negotiator":
"When your friends betray you, sometimes the only people you can trust are strangers." (although this may not have much to do with Lolita's situation).
Board said:
Like Sameul L. Jackson said in "The negotiator":
"When your friends betray you, sometimes the only people you can trust are strangers." (although this may not have much to do with Lolita's situation).

Board is right and so is Samuel L. Jackson.

EDIT: In my case, my friends haven't betrayed me.
At least I have some friends which I am very thankful of.

The matter is not so simple, it is hard to tell your friend about something like that even if you trust him/her completely.
The worst thing that's ever happened... Finding my father passed away (he was a diabetic with poor circulation... ) was not the worst part. The worst part was trying to make my mother understand that he was not just sleeping....
The worst thing that ever happened to me is, well i spent a long time of my life absoulutley unoriented and therefore got abused by a real bunch of people. During this period of my life, i made many irreversible things which i really regret hardly right now, i mean, i still can't live normally, i still reproach myself for what i have done, i still have some kind of ruffled ego, which made me seriousley attempt suicide almost 1/2 year ago...
Sorry to hear that, xeno. I'm diabetic too. How old was he?

I guess the worst thing that's happened to me besides getting diabetes, was being kind and gentle to people that took advantage of it. I guess girls want guys that treat them like shit.
Thanks Hilj & Lolita. :)

Demonic Rapture said:
Sorry to hear that, xeno. I'm diabetic too. How old was he?

I guess the worst thing that's happened to me besides getting diabetes, was being kind and gentle to people that took advantage of it. I guess girls want guys that treat them like shit.

Well, take care of yourself, excersize and don't gain weight. Dying from Diabetes related condition isn't the most fun way to go... as a matter of fact, I'd probably say it's one of the most horrible. :(
Last semester, I was in class, and my phone rang, and it was my aunt, crying, telling me to come home quickly. My father had cancer, and I knew that my aunt calling me from my house crying could only mean one thing. The worst part was that I had to try to push it into the back of my head long enough to drive back coherently.

I'm sorry for all of you who have lost loved ones. Xeno, you gave good advice, I appreciate seeing people trying to help others, as my family and medical history leaves me with little less than a 100% chance of becoming diabetic, possibly even by the time I'm 25 or 30.

Lolita, I'm very sorry for you, and it's good that you're able to talk about it. Sometimes it's much easier to speak about things semi-anonymously than to talk to your friends about them. It may hurt at first to think about it, but it is better than keeping it in. I hope that the person who did it spends the rest of their life sitting in a concrete room to develop remorse for doing something so horrible to another person.
The worst thing that ever happened to me happened just happened about a month ago. The one girl i have ever loved completely rejected me after telling me she could'nt live without me and is now going out with my best friend. Just last weekend we were hanging out and he sent me home so that he could go over to her house and hang out with her friends and her. I've been deftly depressed over it for a while and i dont see an end to it soon. Though, this pales in comparison to some of the stuff mentioned on here. I'm sorry for anyone elses bad incidents, especially lolita.
So many bad things have happened, I don't even know where to begin. And I don't wan't to. I don't think anybody would truly understand anyway.... no big things have happened, no friends or parents died, etc.... just a lot of personal things.
the worst thing...for me... i think it was during the civilian war at El Salvador. It didn't happend to me... but, i saw thinngs, like dead people at the side of the roads, been eaten by dogs and birds, an entire town been wiped out by the goverment army (trained in the US) just becose the were "guerrillas family"...

Another shity thing... been diagnosed with epilepsy.

I know how you feel. i friend of mine had the same expirience.