The Avril Lavigne petition


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Somebody started this thread about getting a forum up on UM for Avril Lavigne. You have to read it:

I can't believe some people are thinking that it's serious. For a laugh, I say we keep adding to it periodically to keep the petition going, and see how many 'death growls only' folk will fall for the joke.

Of course, my post was the only serious one. :loco:
Oh man... that thing is still going?

asphyXy said:
this thread is gay and lying
Best. Post. Ever. I remember this being said in our Children of Boredom thread too. :tickled:
In hindsight, I was a little disappointed that the Children of Sodomites gave in so easily. The thing is though, their arguments became so weak that even their own 'team mates' started debating amongst each other - especially when some of them were saying, "I don't want to hear about your opinions in a review!" or "How can you say this is the same as Follow the Reaper - didn't you read the tablature to see they play Em instead of Am?".

I think other Bodom fans were like, "er, dude, you're not helping us out here, heh...".
Avril Lavigne is fit :) I hope my band picks up soon so we can sell out quickly, then we can tour with her and I'll shag her :)
Ayeka said:
Avril Lavigne is fit :) I hope my band picks up soon so we can sell out quickly, then we can tour with her and I'll shag her :)
She is fit, I'll give you that. You're feeling very straight today aren't you? Welcome to the dark side. :cool:
Don't shout about it or they'll all want one! :eek:

And for the record, I've been feeling very straight for the last six weeks :p and narrowly avoided a buggering from a fat boy last week owing to this misunderstanding...
I understand how sarcasm can be lost on the Internet, but some things are just so absurd I don't know how anyone can take them seriously.
That thread has attracted some very strange people that I believe for them we should introduce a new tax - the oxygen tax.
My 5th grade teacher was hot as hell (and had some huge titties too), but one day she lifted her arms up and had that inverted elbows thing, half the dudes in the classroom gasped, it was funny. "Ms. Clyne your elbows are metal!!!"