The funny thing about modernity


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Unlike the old days in which catastrophes (such as the destruction of Carthage) caused knowledge, art, and documentation to be irrevocably lost, we live in an age in which nothing short of total annihilation--that is, the globe-breaks-into-three-pieces-level annihilation--can cause us to lose the information that's cached on the Internet. Nothing we say will EVER be inaccessible again, even when people have gills and the U.S. is a Roman-Empire-like has-been system of government.

Therefore your poop posts have a more permanent presence in the Cosmos than, say, Aristotle's lost Poetics.

How does that make you feel?
what are you some kinda luddite?

no but seriously... i can't wait until i can post using my brain via little nanomachines.
i cant wait to see what the "bugs of the future" will be. Like, when some guy has a seizure and his nanomachines post his entire subconscious over and over and over until there are two hundred gigs of posts about walking in on his mom and dad going at it.
True enough that everything is saved out there somewhere, but we have a new kind of information loss through anonymity and overuse. The Internet is uncataloguable (not a word, I know). There's too much of it. So stuff like this doesn't get lost as in destroyed, it gets lost as in irrevocably (oh spelling) tossed into the ocean of bits.

So when do you think our capacity to store data will overtake our capacity to create it? We're fast approaching the point where we can archive all media created ever. I've heard estimates that size of all media (writing, music, movies, etc.) ever created is in the range of several petabytes (one million gigabytes). Maybe several hundred petabytes , but on that order.

The Be Operating System (RIP) had the ability to read a hard drive that held several exabytes (exabyte = 1000 petabytes or one quintiliion bytes). Not that such a thing exists, but when it does Be is (was) prepared.
we'll store data better once we start building quantum computers and 3 dimensional processors.
kurzweil knows all about that shit!
Yeah, FalseTodd, that's exactly what got me thinking about it in the first place. I was envisioning a future in which you could find out any piece of information about anyone in the past (well, from 2000+)'s life, but you had to sit down and scour through this massive data cache for months. I was thinking about college students doing research projects and using these futuristically powerful search engines to winnow their results down, down, down over weeks of work, and how there might be internerdy kids who could just pick a random name ("John Smith"), run a search for it, pick out a particular John Smith, and, find out tons of stuff about the life of this guy who died hundreds and hundreds of years ago, reading all the posts he made under different aliases to different message boards, his e-mails, newspaper articles about him in Little League, etc...
do you really think we'll be using nanomachines, or will our focus shift to biological?

if you can find it, read a book called 'Copernick's Rebellion' by Leo A. Frankowski. it's a fucking great read.
dna computing seems pretty promising but only for calculations. i think nanotechnology will definitely be used medically....
Yeah, people whine a lot more about genetically modified foods than about the far-more-harmful unnatural methods used to get the same results, so imagine what they'll do regarding GM humans or GM biological entities inside humans.
Originally posted by the_preppy
dna computing seems pretty promising but only for calculations. i think nanotechnology will definitely be used medically....

i mean such things as engineered virii, things of that nature. i don't see us ever at the point of engineering creatures to do our bidding, because there will always be enougb opposition to things like that.
Originally posted by saturnix

i mean such things as engineered virii, things of that nature. i don't see us ever at the point of engineering creatures to do our bidding, because there will always be enougb opposition to things like that.

are you talking about bioengineering a virus to change the make up of a person? or to prevent disease/fight off invasive illness and infection? i'm not sure what you mean.