The future of Nu Metal


Jan 28, 2004
I was curious as to where you guys think Nu metal is heading?

It seems it is moving into more of a Prog direction. Bands like Tool, Disturbed and Godsmack are really leaning that way. I wonder if they will ever get back to the time where vocals actually mattered and musicianship was important.

Just curious.........


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More like days of future past. Move along, here come a ton of clone bands to kill the genre. Much like the glut of "alternative" bands that came out in the 90's, the genre will eventually be so saturated that it wont matter. All you'll have is a bunch of bands that the fans and critics will have to classify, categorize, and re-categorize.
Quite a lot of bands (not all of them of course ;) ) change their, hmmm... style of playing. Their music changes after they made a couple of albums (lets say 8). Look at Korn. In the early days they were much better, if you ask me. Music was a lot different than what they are playing now.
LoneWolfMusic said:
It seems it is moving into more of a Prog direction. Bands like Tool, Disturbed and Godsmack are really leaning that way.
I kinda like Disturbed (one of the few "Nu" Metal bands with a charismatic vocalist and a pleasant lack of "I´m so AGGRO!!12" instrumentation), but them leaning towards Prog?! :err: Not quite.
Slipknot= I heard it at a show and i think it is a lot better than anything they have done before but they were simply mediocre background music. I'm not going to praise them because they have outdone themselves. They still aren't really that great IMO, though i would like to give it a fair listen.

Nu Metal - It is dead. It has no future. Slipknot is turning more metal and less nu metal. Bands like limp bizkit and korn are on their dying breath. It's a lost cause.
I wouldn't say Korn's on their dying breath. I've been a fan of them for a long time and I really liked the last disc. It made up for that piece of crap called "Untouchables." They seem to be pretty inspired, and I really liked the way it sounded more in the vein of their first album.

As for nu-metal, I see it getting heavier. A lot of the bands are adding growlers/screamers as their main vocalists. There are tons of bands out there that are half nu, half death, and it's really bridging the gap into real metal for some mallcore kiddies... just look at how popular Bodom is getting in the States. And for fuck's sake, Dimmu's on Ozzfest!
OfSinsAndShred said:
I wouldn't say Korn's on their dying breath. I've been a fan of them for a long time and I really liked the last disc. It made up for that piece of crap called "Untouchables." They seem to be pretty inspired, and I really liked the way it sounded more in the vein of their first album.

As for nu-metal, I see it getting heavier. A lot of the bands are adding growlers/screamers as their main vocalists. There are tons of bands out there that are half nu, half death, and it's really bridging the gap into real metal for some mallcore kiddies... just look at how popular Bodom is getting in the States. And for fuck's sake, Dimmu's on Ozzfest!
You just proved my point about what i was saying about mallcore dying out. No one wants that shit anymore, so they are evolving into real metal and real metal is getting recognized. Though i don't agree 100% with what you said, the point still stands.
OfSinsAndShred said:
As for nu-metal, I see it getting heavier. A lot of the bands are adding growlers/screamers as their main vocalists. There are tons of bands out there that are half nu, half death, and it's really bridging the gap into real metal for some mallcore kiddies... just look at how popular Bodom is getting in the States. And for fuck's sake, Dimmu's on Ozzfest!
That´s true. Bands like Killswitch Engage are seemingly getting HUGE popularity everywhere, not just in the U.S. of A... still not my cup of tea though, I like me some melodies. :Spin:
Its going to be weird soon acctually wearing a band shirt that I like and people knowing who they are.

Dimmu although I don't like them is for some reason catching a rather large fan base. These skater kids that hang out by wal mart who usually have Blink 182 and Linkin Park shirts all had Dimmu shirts on. I would 10x rather have them wear Dimmu shirts and listen to them other than that crap on the radio. Seriously if you are going to act like you are hardcore and listen to extreme music at least listen to the real extreme music and not Linkin Park and Disturbed.
Well, actually, I don't care where nu metal is going. I would care that people would stop listening to mainstream music, be it whatever it is.
I just find it pathetic that EVERYONE listens to the same kind of music. I hate that there is something like pop music that everyone likes. Sure, I like myself a lot of that bands, because they are quite easy listening, but it is just for a listen that I know most people will be happy with because it is not disgusting. But millions of people being hardcore fans of the same band???? And after a couple of years, they are hardcore fans of another band??? Man I just hate it.
The vultures are feeding on nu-metal's warm corpse now...everyone is trying to distance themselves from the label, even the radio stations that helped popularize for whether something of greater substance will replace it, that remains to be seen...
Well, first of all, I would not categorize Tool as Nu Metal. They always have done their own thing and make incredible music.

But I really don't care about Nu Metal. I don't listen to it and could care less if it comes or goes. But I am against bands that I know trying to sound more mainstream.
And after a couple of years, they are hardcore fans of another band??? Man I just hate it.

Couple of YEARS? Try weeks, man. I actually have a funny story about this. That song "Butterfly" by Outkast was real big like 2 years ago, and everyone immediately said it was their favorite song. SIX MONTHS later, on the same pop radio station that played that song constantly, they were giving away tickets or something. So the contest was to be the first person to call in and correctly name the song/group. Sure enough, "Butterfly" was played, and NONE of those same pop fans could remember the name of the song and the group. Pathetic... just shows how much these people "love music." Most of them want background noise, which is cool with me until they start saying they're passionate about music.
I am quite unfamiliar with what nu metal sounds like currently, and I plan to keep it that way. But I don't seem to hear so much hype over it anymore, so that gives me the impression that the genre is on it's way out the door. Would be good riddance, I say.