The future of Nu Metal

I don't know what nu metal first i thought it was rap metal like limp biscuit/korn/linkin park and some people think nu metal is the recent stuff by Soilwork/In Flames/Killswitch Engage....some say its bands like Godsmack/Disturbed. Now to me all 3 of these groupings are not the same kind of metal.

Who cares i say.....good music and bad music....i like good stuff.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Couple of YEARS? Try weeks, man. I actually have a funny story about this. That song "Butterfly" by Outkast was real big like 2 years ago, and everyone immediately said it was their favorite song. SIX MONTHS later, on the same pop radio station that played that song constantly, they were giving away tickets or something. So the contest was to be the first person to call in and correctly name the song/group. Sure enough, "Butterfly" was played, and NONE of those same pop fans could remember the name of the song and the group. Pathetic... just shows how much these people "love music." Most of them want background noise, which is cool with me until they start saying they're passionate about music.
Actually dude, butterfly was by Crazy Town.
I don't really care what happens to so-called nu-metal as long as prog stays out of the mainstream so it will never die! I would hate to see the day when everybody listens to the same music as me (us). Shit, then I'd have to start listening to country or something...
karelrulez said:
it's kinda interesting.. Metallica decided NOT to have solo's on St. Anger, while on the new Slipknot disc those guitar players are shredding their asses off.

Shred? Hardly. Sounds more like out of key Slayer style "move your right hand as fast as possible while not paying attention to your left hand" kind of soloing.

I saw Slipknot being interviewed on Headbangers Ball and started to laugh my ass off when I saw them. They look like a fucking joke in those masks. And people say Blind Guardian is cheesy and gay for having lyrics about Tolkien? :rolleyes:
Yngvai X said:
They look like a fucking joke in those masks. And people say Blind Guardian is cheesy and gay for having lyrics about Tolkien? :rolleyes:

Maybe they wear masks becasue they have alot of acne =/

Yea, I heard 'Duality' because people were all like OMG OMG their SHREDDING. I listened to it, unimpressed. It was decent at best (A masterpiece considering its Slipknot).

Slipknot should take off the masks, sell their BC RICH warlocks, and then, i dunno, we have ourselves a public hanging?
if Symphony-X were mainstream in the US, that wouldn't make me stop listening... it would just mean that the collective IQ of this country just increased DRASTICALLY.

they certainly DESERVE to be mainstream, but people are just too damned ignorant.
SevenString said:
if Symphony-X were mainstream in the US, that wouldn't make me stop listening... it would just mean that the collective IQ of this country just increased DRASTICALLY.
That's exactly the opposite than I (except for the part of listenin SX, I totally agree). If people start listen to SX the wouldn't have changed their IQ or aything, SX would be part of this rotation of bands. Do you really think that if SX got popular, its popularity would last more than 6 months?
SevenString said:
if Symphony-X were mainstream in the US, that wouldn't make me stop listening... it would just mean that the collective IQ of this country just increased DRASTICALLY.

they certainly DESERVE to be mainstream, but people are just too damned ignorant.

Agreed. However, I think that Symphony X's popularity in the mainstream sense would come from them conforming to the style of what is considered popular music (not that I think that will happen). I don't think it would be the common people having a rude awakening and suddenly be open minded enough to love them. That is what would determine if I would continue to listen to them or not if they became popular; does the music change, or the people?
The new slipknot is pretty good, muddy shredding but pretty fast, i love those "i shred like kerry king" kinds of solo because people who dont know about guitar think that's the most difficult to play and they think ur the best guitarrist... :D

i think nu-metal is just a way to call mainstream metal bands, because if you listen to different numetal bands they sound very different from each other. I preffer to list them in my own cathegories like
slipknot - Nu death metal
tool - Nu prog metal
limp bizkit - Nu gay metal
I don't necessarily alot of bands are going in a more prog direction. But I have noticed power metal and some prog metal is getting bigger over here.

What I worry about sometimes is that all the good bands we have now such as DT, SX, and others might go bad like all the 70's Prog Rock bands did when 1980 hit, for some it happened earlier. So by 2010 will Symphony X become stink.
theodyssey said:
Well, i feel like an asshole for actually knowing that :lol:
Haha, I suppose that's not the thing to go spouting off your knowledge about on the SX forum. :Spin: I guess it's kinda ironic that I was making fun of people who didn't remember the name of the group though - then again, I never claimed to like them. :yuk:
Well I know I would be angry if real metal type genres made it into mainstream music. That just creates disaster for bands. I don't think the bands that are in mainstream really care that much about being laughed at later and ruining their reps when the next batch of mainstreamers come in. That is becuase they only play music to become rich. Do you really think if any of the bands that are mainstream right now were not mainstream, and only made enough money to get by in life (like most of the bands us here listen to), that they would still be playing music. I personally don't think so! Bands like SyX play music because they are passionate about it and create unique music that is directly from their ideas and abilities. That is what makes the music we all listen to so great. It is made from the love of music, not from the love of money.

I was talking to a guy at work the other day about how I hate nu metal because it sounds so bad and talentless. He claims that it has plenty of great talent. I named a few bands to see if he had heard them before, a lot he had heard of but not actually heard. He said he like Cradle of Filth but IMO that is a band that seems to have hit a much more mainstream audience of people. I have seen many metal mags like Hit Parader (pretty much mainstream nu metal music) that have had more underground type death/thrash metal bands in it, one that I have seen a lot is Cradle of Filth. So that is probably why he just recently found out about them and liked them. CoB was one of the bands that he had only "heard" of so I let him borrow the most recent two albums of theirs. So maybe he will see what metal sounds like with real talent.
COBSteele02 said:
Its going to be weird soon acctually wearing a band shirt that I like and people knowing who they are.

Dimmu although I don't like them is for some reason catching a rather large fan base. These skater kids that hang out by wal mart who usually have Blink 182 and Linkin Park shirts all had Dimmu shirts on. I would 10x rather have them wear Dimmu shirts and listen to them other than that crap on the radio. Seriously if you are going to act like you are hardcore and listen to extreme music at least listen to the real extreme music and not Linkin Park and Disturbed.

You do have a point,but it's still just aposer thing. Kids like them for the same reason kids like Kiss, make-up. They don't really like or even know anything about the music. The reason they liked Blink 182 is because they were popular.
with what glenn said about bands cluttering categories, I do worry about prog turning that way with all the bands that are out now calling themselves prog and just copy bands like DT and SyX without doing anything to really be unique in the field.

But as for which way is Nu-Metal going.. who gives a damn, I hate the stuff and don't consider it real metal.