The Future of ProgPower USA

Really tough to hear but understandable; I'm planning on passing out PP cards at several concerts this summer so hopefully that will help...
Sorry to hear that. I have always been a supporter of the festival, even if I disagree with some of the band selections ... for my own musical taste. I am guessing the Nightwish and Kamelot show didn’t generate the expected crossover festival tickets. At least not yet.

If the festival ends, then maybe Glenn will move upscale and start the ProgPower cruise. :grin:
I tend to think its the overall expense of the event that is the reason why this is having a hard time selling out so quickly these days.
Even 5 years ago you could find lodging under $85 a nightwith no problem within walking distance,now you have a run down Super 8 that is the only inexpensive lodging option within walking distance.
You could do an entire Prog Power weekend for only $500 per person,between lodging skyrocketing and now transportation (though flights are still cheap relatively speaking)
You are looking 800 to 1000 per person,and this is just including buying a few CDs and keeping things on the cheap
This saddens me more than anyone could possibly understand. This is the only festival worth attending in the US. I don't think people understand what they're potentially going to lose. Look at the past roster of bands that have played this festival. Would you have had the chance to see the majority of them without this festival? I think not.

I would like this festival to go one for another twenty years, but I know that cannot happen. Still, I hope it continues on for awhile longer. You have my sponsor money until you decide to close up shop. This I promise you.

Holy shit! That's tragic, ProgPower has become a yearly tradition for me and my sister for years now and I'd be crushed to see it end!
I'm really bummed to hear this, but very glad I found the fest a few years ago, it's been a big highlight of the year for me. Let's hope for a sellout so PP may continue!
I tend to think its the overall expense of the event that is the reason why this is having a hard time selling out so quickly these days.
Even 5 years ago you could find lodging under $85 a nightwith no problem within walking distance,now you have a run down Super 8 that is the only inexpensive lodging option within walking distance.
You could do an entire Prog Power weekend for only $500 per person,between lodging skyrocketing and now transportation (though flights are still cheap relatively speaking)
You are looking 800 to 1000 per person,and this is just including buying a few CDs and keeping things on the cheap

My thoughts exactly. Even tough I would have loved to see some of the bands that have played/ will play I can't justify that large expense. I go to a lot of shows , so it's not like I don't support the scene. I have other expenses/ trips I'd like to take so unfortunately I can't be there.
Anyone who has an interest in seeing this festival continue, needs to get the word out however they can. Time to put on the ole pimpin' shoes and get to pimpin' the fest.. The sooner this sell's out, the better it is for Glenn, as he can play catch-up with getting bands signed up for the next fest. :rock:
damn..Well can't say I dont know what that feels like. We put on two fests and we were out, its just to damned expensive and the economy sucks balls,specially on the west coast. Ha! my gas today was 4.27 a gallon, just sayin...

Never the less Glenn, hopefully you sell out and can continue. I just have to say that I have seriously enjoyed every PPUSA that I have attended since the beginning and although I have missed 4 of them due to life's never-ending way of throwing obstacles in my path I knew I would always return , like this year but I do not want to to be the last.

Also Glenn so very very much appreciate all you have done for us and the US progressive and power metal scene...Let it just be a bump in the road :muahaha:

This is certainly a difficult thing to hear, however, given the economics of the situation, it is understandable. I'm glad I could help support the fest by generating some ticket sales over the years among friends and acquaintances, as well as gradually increasing my own gold badge order over the years. But when it comes down to it, it is a massive amount of work to put on a show like this, and the financial situation has to make sense in the end... and that comes down to the overall interest level of the fans.

Speaking for myself though, if Glenn puts on a ProgPower USA show, I will be there. However, if it turns out it is indeed time for the fest to come to an end, I will most certainly look back upon these past 12 years of festivals very fondly.
My thoughts exactly. Even tough I would have loved to see some of the bands that have played/ will play I can't justify that large expense. I go to a lot of shows , so it's not like I don't support the scene. I have other expenses/ trips I'd like to take so unfortunately I can't be there.

I plan on doing my part....the girl in my sig pic is a very known model and she is going this year,I'm sure she can help spread the word as well
It would be sad if this is the last year, though I think this is the fest's strongest lineup yet. Due to this lineup, I've got 2 new people coming this year.