The Future of ProgPower USA

My 1st time was PPIII and I attended a total of 5 times, 4 of which I was a GB holder. Life kicked me around and I haven't been able to afford to go back since. It's not the ticket price.. it's pretty much the lodging and everything else that kills me. The price of the ticket has never been a concern. Seems like Atlanta is very pricey compared to a lot of other cities with international airports.

Wish you all the best and I've always been a strong supporter of your fest, be it talking people into going (a friend of mine is going this year even though I cannot.. been trying to get him to go forever) or praising it on a podcast. :worship:
It's a sad thought, to think it might end - however, it would definitely go out with a bang!

I'm diggin the lineup. The fact that a lot of bands have been there before doesn't turn me off.....because they are great bands that I barely ever get to witness live unless I go to PP.
I wonder if this is really what the Mayans were predicting?

Feels like it. This is the next best thing to religion for me. It can't die.

I'm going to browbeat those I think have the best chance of coming. I'm already driving myself so they don't have much excuse to not come with, imo.
This saddens me more than anyone could possibly understand. This is the only festival worth attending in the US. I don't think people understand what they're potentially going to lose. Look at the past roster of bands that have played this festival. Would you have had the chance to see the majority of them without this festival? I think not.

I would like this festival to go one for another twenty years, but I know that cannot happen. Still, I hope it continues on for awhile longer. You have my sponsor money until you decide to close up shop. This I promise you.


My heart hurts hearing this, but I can't say it is a complete surprise. I think the economic slow down world-wide has had an effect. When it improves, I don't think this would be an issue, but I understand if Glenn can't spin his wheels until it does. Still, the loss of this festival will be huge to fans in this country as well as others that have been able to make the trek to see it.

NEVER has there been a festival like ProgPower USA. The quality of the rosters is unmatched. Not just the headliners, but maybe, more importantly the introduction of superb bands that wouldn't get this kind of exposure anywhere else. That impact is unimaginable.

If ProgPower is no more, the MUSIC world will suffer as much as the metal world. I only hope we can keep it going a little longer until the money is there in the economy for fans to make the decision to support this fest and thus the future of quality bands that will no longer have that label support.

I will continue to do all I can to make that happen. I hope others will as well.
living here in GA Ive never really thought much about it I have been going to Progpower since 3 ,and i never once have thought about it not being there the next year. I really really hope that it is, but if it is not all i can say is progpower has made many things for me come true that i know that without it would have never came true. Seeing and meeting so many bands over the years are memories i will never forget with the autographs and pictures and dvds. Just saying no matter what happens thanks for the memories,and heres is to many more in the future!
I never want this to end, but it's been getting closer over the years. I can see it now. 2013, no ProgPower.

2014 . . . Glenn is too bored, people are amped up to bring the fest back, and PP returns with a Vengeance.

Steve in Philly
Could a "Sponsored By" partnership help? The ripple effect of this loss will be felt by local businesses, particularly the hotels. Drumming up corporate sponsorship, while distasteful, might keep this festival alive.

My fuzzy math says that 40-45k brings the festival out of the red. How many of us work for companies cool enough to sponsor it?

I don't give a fuck if a Red Bull sign is in the long as we can continue to see our music played.
My first fest was number V. I have only missed 2 since. I have done all I can (and will continue to do so) to spread the word. I have even gotten my step children involved in the pass 2 fests. I am driving up and down I-85 with a car magnet I had made up to advertise the Fest.

I have to admit that if I did not live so close to Atlanta, I probably would not have been able to make but only a couple of the festivals (I would have been more picky about the line-up). And, I would have missed some GREAT bands that I had never even heard of until their performances at ProgPower.

My hat is off to you Glenn and Jen and my glass of 1554 is raised. "SLAINTE" my friends. Thank you for devoting your lives to us the fans and this wonderful genre of music that is so misunderstood. None of us want it to end. So, maybe it can take a brief hiatus instead of ending entirely. A year or two off if needed. A then if things pick back up, Bring back "the black shirts".

Again...Thank you.
I've been to four PP's, but sadly, my last one was PP8 (though I did attend the Gamma Ray/Helloween pre-party show a year later)....between money stuff, deadlines, prior engagements, daughter being born, I just couldn't seem to get to another show since. Until now....I'll be damned if this is the last fest and I don't attend. Besides, I'd kick myself forevermore if I miss the chance to see Pretty Maids in concert. Needless to say, I just purchased my tickets.....hopefully, it won't be the last time I say that. Thanks always put on one hell of a show, and the shows that I was able to attend at ProgPower will be some of my fondest concert memories.
Sorry to hear that. I have always been a supporter of the festival, even if I disagree with some of the band selections ... for my own musical taste. I am guessing the Nightwish and Kamelot show didn’t generate the expected crossover festival tickets. At least not yet.

If the festival ends, then maybe Glenn will move upscale and start the ProgPower cruise. :grin:

Pretty much mostly what I had to say. We may disagree at times Glenn, but I do try to support you when I can. You do put on a hell of a festival.

I tend to think its the overall expense of the event that is the reason why this is having a hard time selling out so quickly these days.
Even 5 years ago you could find lodging under $85 a nightwith no problem within walking distance,now you have a run down Super 8 that is the only inexpensive lodging option within walking distance.
You could do an entire Prog Power weekend for only $500 per person,between lodging skyrocketing and now transportation (though flights are still cheap relatively speaking)
You are looking 800 to 1000 per person,and this is just including buying a few CDs and keeping things on the cheap

There were times I didn't know if I was going to be able to go. Often it has required scraping together money and trying to get the best deals. Somehow, I've managed to only miss two ProgPowers, and one the primary reason was because of my honeymoon.

When I got the e-mail today, I suspected this is what you were going to say. I hope it isn't the end, and when it is the end, I hope you go out in style. Cheers.
It's been an amazing run nothing to shake a stick at. Saw so many bands I would have have seen otherwise. Times are tough financially and unfortunately it's rearing it's ugly head now. Sucks but maybe PP's year of the Phoenix still awaits us all.
I was so depressed as I watched this video. I have a tremendous amount of respect for you gor having kept this festival going as long as you have. I've always wondered how you did it. I can understand where you're coming from. I just wanted to share just how special this festival is to me. In 2005 I was living in Chattanooga and the company I was working for ended up going under. Due to this, I ended up moving up north where my folks were. I had two buddies in Chattanooga who had similar tastes in music, however, and we had been seeing ProgPower t-shirts at concerts in Atlanta. Now, I have to stop here and say that at this point, we knew very little about the Progressive Metal genre though we thought we knew a lot. But we had decided to go to ProgPower VI for the first time before I ended up moving back up north. We actually didn't know a single name on the roster that year! But going there opened a whole new world to us. We've made it a tradition to go to ProgPower every year since then. Because of this three major things have happened in my life:
1) I kept in touch with the two guys I mentioned and we are now like the three amigos - best of friends.
2) I discovered many of my favorite bands because of this festival
3) I now live back down here in Chattanooga.

I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all you've done with this festival.
- Geoff
Could a "Sponsored By" partnership help? The ripple effect of this loss will be felt by local businesses, particularly the hotels. Drumming up corporate sponsorship, while distasteful, might keep this festival alive.

My fuzzy math says that 40-45k brings the festival out of the red. How many of us work for companies cool enough to sponsor it?

I don't give a fuck if a Red Bull sign is in the long as we can continue to see our music played.

I can assure you there is no way that amount would get Glenn out of the red. This is WAY more expensive than most people would imagine. All we can do is support Glenn and the festival. I doubt the hotels care, they sell anyways.
This is pretty sad news and I hope it doesn't come to this. I've been attending PP since I was 17 years old. Even skipped my senior year homecoming to come see Stratovarius and I was hooked ever since. This fest is responsible for more in my life than anyone will ever know....

For what it's worth, I did run into a few repeat PP attendees at the recent In Solitude show who said they still needed to buy their tickets.