The Future of ProgPower USA

You may have to raise the gold badge price a bit, or bring in a few less bands. I don't know how you bring in so many top notch bands only charging us GB holders $150, while I in now means have a lot of dispossible income, I wouldn't blink at $200/$250 GB ticket price in order to see all of these caliber out of country bands. I know you don't have that luxury with the reg ticket prices getting the casual fan to attend, but I'd sure rather spend a few extra bucks than not have the festival any longer. Just my opinion.

Agreed as well, I've honestly always been shocked at the small difference in price for Gold Badges to regular tickets. I wouldn't care if they were $200/$250 to go either. I understand though that not everyone feels the same and the amount of GB holders would probably go down, but the die-hards wouldn't care.
Agreed as well, I've honestly always been shocked at the small difference in price for Gold Badges to regular tickets. I wouldn't care if they were $200/$250 to go either. I understand though that not everyone feels the same and the amount of GB holders would probably go down, but the die-hards wouldn't care.
I would also be willing to pay more for a GB, but I don't think that's the core issue for the continued existence of the festival. Glenn has been pretty clear over the past couple years that he needs to attract new blood to replace former attendees who stop coming for whatever reason. While getting more money from GB holders would obviously be financially beneficial with all other factors being equal, it's a short-term fix and does virtually nothing to increase the pool of potential attendees.
I guess a gauge of dedication would be...

If you cannot afford to make the festival, but want to see it next year: Buy a ticket anyway.

If you cannot afford 600-1000 for this trip, spend 150 now and come next year when you are in better financial shape.

Consider it an investment in your future.

After having seen 10 of these, I know there was a year or two where I had no idea if I would make the festival. I bought the ticket anyway and hoped/worked for achieving the best. It has worked out (but boy did I come close to not making it in 2009 or 2010!) but I think it is money well spent even if I did not go.

I am sorry, but, would you spend $150 for a ticket and not attend and not even be able to sell it? This is veryyy wishful thinking I may say!!! Plus, even if 50 more tix are sold, then the fest is not happening again anyway! Not even in a good economy would people spend $150 to save a fest, and even if they do thinking that next year they'll be able to come, who guarantees that they will be able? Just my thoughts...
I hate hearing the horrible news of the possible end of Progpower. It's meant so much over the years. I've been attending since PPIV and that's only because I didn't know about the first three until it was too late. Good things are supposed to last forever. Aren't they?
I am sorry, but, would you spend $150 for a ticket and not attend and not even be able to sell it? This is veryyy wishful thinking I may say!!! Plus, even if 50 more tix are sold, then the fest is not happening again anyway! Not even in a good economy would people spend $150 to save a fest, and even if they do thinking that next year they'll be able to come, who guarantees that they will be able? Just my thoughts...

You might be surprised at what some are willing to do to save the festival.
I was thinking that maybe we could organize a "save the fest" donation drive where those of us willing and able could donate either money for tickets, or a seat in a carpool to get there, or a spot in a hotel room once there. So that those whom would love to go but don't think they could afford it would have some options.

Something a little bigger and more organized than the single roomies and rides thread that we usually have, which caters primarily to those that already have tickets and already frequent this forum. Something to get some new blood there that would hopefully get hooked and keep coming back, like the rest of us. I was even considering ponying up some money to Ultimate Metal to start a temporary forum for the purpose.

But then I was thinking, I don't know how big of a dent that would make. How many people truly want to go, but can't afford it, versus how many people simply just don't know about it. I was in the latter category for I-IX for sure, though had I known about it I could certainly have been in the former category for many of them.
After all, many of the lyrics that are in Power metal are usually derived from this film. So, how is this for motivation?

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maybe expanding the sporsor list or creating a "platinum badge"?

Some of us can pay more than the ticket price and i dont care about "special treatment" or "exclusive meet and greet".
I know it might seem selfish for us to expect Glenn and Jen to continue killing themselves to make this fest. None of us can put ourselves in their shoes and know what they are going through with all this. But ProgPower is one of those things that I enjoy and some that I have dreamed I could go with my kids too (I am single and childless now). I know that it is probably more than just cost, however, I would spend 200 for a ticket to just see the best of the underground American scene preform for ProgPower.

PS and I wish could find a friend to go, but none of my friends are big into any kinds of music, My girlfriend who i am just now starting to tolerate this kind of music, is all out of vacation days at her work. But I will still try
Pride is what drives Glenn. And rightfully so. He's met every challenge with gusto and chug's right along. When and if this festival does end, he'll go out on top with class. But, in the meantime, it's up to us to try and help him continue with the festival in any way that we can. And to echo what others have said, I for one, will not let this festival go down without a fight. :rock:
I would also be willing to pay more for a GB, but I don't think that's the core issue for the continued existence of the festival. Glenn has been pretty clear over the past couple years that he needs to attract new blood to replace former attendees who stop coming for whatever reason. While getting more money from GB holders would obviously be financially beneficial with all other factors being equal, it's a short-term fix and does virtually nothing to increase the pool of potential attendees.
Yea, upping the ticket price, donations etc. aren't going to be the answer. It's total sales of ticket. Promotion is the answer.
Yea, upping the ticket price, donations etc. aren't going to be the answer. It's total sales of ticket. Promotion is the answer.

Agree. I've attended every progpower since 3, except for last year's. I am a little conflicted about the situation. Has the Nightwish concert been promoted outside of this forum? If not, is it not too early to push the Panic button. Maybe the solution will involve a combination of better promotion and an increase in GB price to afford that. We can buy a ticket, but we can not do the promoter's job (Not that I think we are expected to do that, but some pf the posts seem to be along those lines).
I am not clear on why promotion would be the key issue here. In order for the festival lineup to appeal to people, they would have to be either (1) fairly knowledgeable with regard to the prog and power metal scenes, or (2) not knowledgeable with regard to the bands, but willing to go to a festival just to randomly check out prog and power bands.

I would assume most people in Group 1 already know about PPUSA. If they know about these bands, they are into the scene and have likely heard about the fest. Group 2 seems like a really small number of people.
Some wonderful comments in this thread. Some perplexing comments in this thread. Some comments come off as totally dickish regardless of intent.

There is no panic button. This is a trend started three years ago and has continued. I just finally admitted that things cannot continue status quo. New fans want the new blood bands. Old fans get pissed at change. It's a struggle to find the right balance. It is a different scene than a decade ago and no amount of promotion will change that.

Thank you to those that are reaching out and doing whatever they can to help keep this thing going. Jen and I truly feel blessed with your support. We are glad that you understand we are not Clear Channel and are just like

Glenn (posting under Jen's iPad log-in)
I would assume most people in Group 1 already know about PPUSA. If they know about these bands, they are into the scene and have likely heard about the fest. Group 2 seems like a really small number of people.


-Glenn again