The Gallery

Originally posted by the_good_son141
from lethe to end is awesome,keeps you banging
and from start to the gallery too.btw,the song gallery is fecking great! DT's best album imo,melodic as ever and fluent on the listen.

you were a swed who didnt have all dts albums?ts ts

hey, hey, HEY!
respect my messed up economy :P
I hope that you didn´t do anything else that requires privacy (with The Gallery as background music).
Yah yeah, and that "denspring" is some cool track too! It must be some awesome secret tune cuz it says "Edenspring" in the booklet. Yeah, and it cannot be a typo either because metal record-labels NEVER make typos!

Oh, yeah, and "The Gallery" is a smashing album.
Originally posted by rahvin
@deepinmisery: i doubt whether it was their decision. i reckon osmose wasn't exactly the best label to work with, at least at the time.

yes, that was my general idea. quite funny, for an album considered a "classic", to have such a "hobbyish" production :D
(on the slate that is)

but those were the times.. :)
Originally posted by Hearse
Hehe it would be fun to make thread about how many albums people have in their "must buy next " queue :lol:

my "must download next" queue is already assuming i'm the proud owner of some 100,000,000gb hard drive. ;)

i'm looking forward to the new l'ame immortelle "als die liebe starb", the new afi "sing the sorrow", and the new boy sets fire "tomorrow come today". metal-wise, i'm not even sure what are the new releases going to be... :err:

hehe I hate reading the tracklist on the back of The Gallery and The Mind's I, because I almost don't see it if I don't have the right light in the background :lol:
Considering the album was late by some months because they were waiting for the cover art to be done, it wasn't quite worth it. I like the cover in principle though, although it could be better aesthetically.
The Gallery is my fav dt album and the first one i got i have to say that i didn't liked it all that much in the beginning i had punish my heaven and lethe already and i thought these were the only good songs in the wrong i was.. :P

Gallery is a masterpiece YEAH!I like best the emptiness from which i fed punish my heaven lethe and the dividing line.