The Gathering, Agalloch and The End Records


Mar 25, 2003
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I've just been to The End Records website ( ) and they've got some AMAZING bands on that label! I heard the MP3 "Broken Glass" by The Gathering and the solo at the end made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!!! Agalloch are also pretty damn fantastic. If you like doom or melodic metal then you really should go to that website. I'm on my way back there right now!!! :hotjump:
Hi Madgirl. I'm going to buy The Gathering's album on the strength of Broken Glass alone. I only hope HMV/ Virgin have it in stock or else I'll have to put up with their pissing about while they order it for me.
evilnell said:
Hi Madgirl. I'm going to buy The Gathering's album on the strength of Broken Glass alone. I only hope HMV/ Virgin have it in stock or else I'll have to put up with their pissing about while they order it for me.
Well you'll get most of the albums from 'The Gathering' (bar the latest excellent album 'Souvenirs') from Century media UK, for a lot less than you'll pay in the shops. Quick service too
Thanks for pointing that century media out; it looks pretty good. As it happens I managed to get Souvenirs by The Gathering at HMV, which I was quite suprised about. Anyway, it's a fantastic album; I'll do my level best to make sure that more people discover this band. And while I'm here, I simply must promote Agalloch. They're on the end records ( ) - go and listen to their MP3s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hotjump:
The gathering where good, theyve gone a bit out of my tastes now though. Agalloch are a great band, check out empyrium + tenhi for more of this style