The Gathering, Agalloch and The End Records


Mar 25, 2003
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I've just got Souvenirs by The Gathering, and it is fantastic. I was especially amazed that HMV actually had a CD in stock that I wanted! After listening to the Gathering and Agalloch (who are also exceptional), I have come to the conclusion that the end records must be the best label around! Go to the website to hear MP3s by both of these bands. The Gathering might not be metal enough for some people, but you can't fault Agalloch!
Agalloch might not be metal enough for some people as well. I've met some :p .
I agree with your views though, but you should know that The Gathering have their own record label named Psychonaut Records. Maybe they are under license for the U.S.A. under The End, this I don't know...
Ellestin said:
The Gathering have their own record label named Psychonaut Records. Maybe they are under license for the U.S.A. under The End, this I don't know...


I think you're right. It looks as though the end just deal with the US distribution of The Gathering. Either way, I still think the End are a cool label! I'm so pleased you agree with me about these bands. I'm really suprised that they're not more popular. Then again, it's hardly suprising with the albums being difficult to pick up from HMV and Virgin, and even when they do get them in stock they want £15-£16 for 'em!
The Gathering was on Century Media for quite awhile, only Black Light District and Souvenirs were released via The End. But you're right, The End is an amazing label. They have a great store too. :D
It doesn't surprise me that the Gathering and Agalloch are not popular, they are for too clever for most people, I think you have to get to a certain age before you can appreciate certain bands Opeth, Agalloch,Thyrfing are great examples of what I mean.

Down tuned guitars and angry vocals are good, but if you want something to think about aswell, then you need something more.
evilnell said:
As usual, HMS, we are in agreement! By the way, how was saturday night?

It was a mixed bag, to be honest.

As I wasn't feeling too well I couldn't drink, I was still feeling rough from the night before aswell, the club was absolutely heaving with lots of pretty ladies if I do say so myself, so that was good. I saw Jeff (out of Carcass) in the club and was talking to him for a bit and some of the guys from Diamanthian, and also a woman I met on the night bus home told me about her pet rat who was sick and asked me what "Bum Sex" was, oddly. :lol:

She was about 24 or 26, I would have assumed she knew what bum sex was, or even tried it a few times, oh man, I love drunk people.

There were 2 gay fellas on the bus behind us,so they were talking about it.

In fact it was good for different reasons than usual.
The End is good, yes, but they are by no means the best. At the time when The End came out, it was one of the best along with Dark Symphonies, but Dark Symphonies was a lot better because of November's Doom and maudlin of the Well, both being better than anything The End had except for Agalloch. Now that the rosters have changed, I'd say the best label right now may be Jester Records. Ulver and Virus are two of the best outfits around creating music for the intelligentsia (just getting in with the pretentious mood of this thread here).

Other kick-ass labels:
Southern Lord (extreme doom)
Trustkill (hardcore/metalcore/metal)
Relapse (metal / grind)
Ipecac (avant garde rock)