The Gatherings Lyrics are all the fucking same

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
I do this

I do that

So I look at this

I am doing this

I look at that so I feel this

I can not this

I might that

I sit on the chair so I look at that

I walk to the windo but I can not breathe

So I do this and then I do that

I etc etc
We always had to list what we got for Christmas cause the rich kids wanted to show off with their lego kits. And then we the poor lot went "a book, two pairs of socks from my auntie, a scarf with a matching hat" :/

Strange though I was humming Amity today on the way back home.
Okay, I will, cause it just leads nowhere, my opinion of you has changed anyway in the last couple of weeks. I'm not gonna get entangled in this webshit again, do and think what you like.
Maqus said:
Okay, I will, cause it just leads nowhere, my opinion of you has changed anyway in the last couple of weeks. I'm not gonna get entangled in this webshit again, do and think what you like.

hahah fucking hell mick you were spot on. i had never thought of it that way before.