the geico cave men...

ct_thrash said:
oh indeed. that tiny house commercial...i was pissed that it wasn't a real show! :mad:
it fooled me a few times, i thought "yes YES!!! this is going to fucking RULE!!!" and then no, damn geico.

"this is NOT. AWESOME." :rock:
meh, the cavemen are terrible. the tiny house one is really the only good geico commercial. i thought it was real the first few times i saw it because each time, i got distracted by something at the end. the girl on the "show" was hot, btw.
My dad saw the Tiny House commercial and went off on a terrible rant about how reality TV is the downfall of the world which naturally caused him to miss the end of the commercial. I just kept egging him on!!! Good times...

Edit: Fuck, I forgot the "h" in Writhe.
My dad saw the Tiny House commercial and went off on a terrible rant about how reality TV is the downfall of the world which naturally caused him to miss the end of the commercial.

:lol: :lol: I did the same thing.

Anyway, yeah caveman commercials are good, tiny house is good, rest are crap.