The Genuine Pulse Parody


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Just an update, here is the link to the NEW hosted version of this parody on YouTube, apparently after 15,000 views and hundreds of comments praising the song (and the laughs), the dictators at YouTube didn't appreciate the inappropriate content and deleted my account so here it is again for your viewing pleasure, just in case you haven't seen it:

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it was really gross and funny. i find it funny that one of the guitar cartoons you used looked like the fat guy that played guitars alongside oystein on empiricism
I'd give anything to see the look on Mr. V's face when he sees this.

Well done, but I love that song and now I can't take it seriously anymore.
That was soo funny I must apluad you heartless for comin up with all those misheard lyric interpretations, lol.
Hahahaha! It's funny, a lot of people mis-hear the lyrics on Empiricism, they can be transformed into just about anything. And for those with very creative minds, well.... we get certain disgusting but hilarious results!
ive seen few things as repulsive as those degenerate balls.
the part about r.kelly is so funny
Man, it's a masterpiece!! Hahaha, I love it. I was laughing so much I fell from my chair. Troll with the rake... muhahhahaha, that's cooool!!:headbang: :kickass: :lol: :lol: :worship: :lol: :lol: :lol:

heartless, you're (In Chilean slang) a Conchesumadre!!!!!!!! (something similar to mothafucka)

I love that song man, but the video is very funny!!!! the clean chorus was great!!!

the misheards are very cool

the finger raised to mime!! - threw the air her menstrual blood - troll with the rake - the cartoon haired fat guy on oystein's solo - lolololol
:lol: Glad you all liked it! I love "The Genuine Pulse", it Borkna-rocks! (Don't hate me for being lame :lol:)

And I had to parody it out of respect and admiration, but also to expose people to this great band. Whenever I talk about Borknagar no one has ever heard of them, yet I mention some dumb band like Killswitch Engage and they know every song, :erk: Something is wrong here.... :lol:
It wasn't as funny as those Trivium or Slipknot parodies. Perhaps it's because we like the music so much that draws away from the hilarity.
Lol that was excellent man! Do you have up for dl?

No, I wouldn't know how to go about that, but add me to MSN and I'll send it to you so you can do so yourself or PM me with details how to make it available to others and I will. The original version is MUCH better quality btw... youtube made it grainy as hell.

It wasn't as funny as those Trivium or Slipknot parodies. Perhaps it's because we like the music so much that draws away from the hilarity.

Maybe, but I tried my best with what I had. I mean sure, there were better songs to parody with easier misheard lyrics, made by gheyer bands, but I love Borknagar, and this song, and I wanted to use this as an opportunity to make others aware of Borknagar. To perhaps spread the word and make them gain popularity.

If they get a bigger following/a large rise in sales, they might actually be forced to go on tour! That's my logic anyways :D :D :D