The Genuine Pulse Parody

Because of the popularity this particular parody of mine got on this board, and cuz I love the band (and because you all kept asking me to continue/make more)... I MAY be doing another Borknagar parody.

I'm not sure yet, I'm still contemplating it. But lemme know what you guys think of that... or if you have any particular song(s) you do/don't want parodied.


If I had to make a list of people I wish weren't in metal Alexi would be there near the top :lol:

Bodom are king :p
Wasn't as well done as most of ParanoidDave's work, but I still found it amusing! n_n
I've been meaning to do a few parody's of Vintersorg's work since his songs are easy to do.

Funny enough most of the words mis-heard in Vintersorg songs are about food.
He pronounces "pulsator" as "potato"
"archaic pergaments" as "ARR! Cheeseburger Madness"

found by a lovely Vintersorg forum reg n_n
Hahaha LOL :lol: that was SO fucking weird... . I expected sometihng totally different, but hey, hehe I laughed a lot, and it was just what I needed, was feeling a little bit down :p .

Haha the Wartortle... :kickass: .

Degenerate balls!!!

:kickass: :rock: :notworthy

PS: That part was freaking disgusting :Puke: :p
DAMN...That shit is funny. I almost fell outta my chair with some of those scenes. Bashing on the emo bands like coheed and chemical romance was fucking hilarious.

Favorite lyric of the entire song: Buns N Me. Genius!
jajajaajjaja (hahahahaha in USA :P) I almost crap myself seeing that video!!!!


The "degenerate balls" part it's a little bit repugnant :S........i love it!!
Just an update, here is the link to the NEW hosted version of this parody on YouTube, apparently after 15,000 views and hundreds of comments praising the song (and the laughs), the dictators at YouTube didn't appreciate the inappropriate content and deleted my account so here it is again for your viewing pleasure, just in case you haven't seen it:

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