The getting sick thread. This time let's warn people BEFORE it happens.:)


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
Okay, so here's your warning newbies. A lot of people get really sick after Progpower. I guess that's in part because we spend two days around 1000 people in a venue where everyone moves around. So one or two sick people can quickly infect dozens. Also, many of us will not get much sleep, or eat and drink nothing but junk food for the entire weekend, thus further reducing our resistance.

Does anyone have any ideas for avoiding this? Vitamins, perhaps, or some kind of food that's good for the immune system?
Maybe Glenn can offer some advice. He's in the medical profession. Vitamins? Fruits and vegetables? Get more sleep? Get more sex? Listen to the new PowerQuest album, since being happy makes you less susceptible to getting sick?:)
A good multivitamin everyday the week before the show is a good idea. Extra vitamin C will help.
The best thing though is to keep your hands clean. Wash them frequently, or bring a little bottle of sanitizer, or better yet... both.
In the interest of avoiding such things, I took an extra three days off from work after PP for recuperative purposes. I'm also taking a lunchtime flight, which means I don't have to get up *quite* at the buttcrack of dawn to get to the airport, which means I won't be starting out already behind on sleep, like I did last year - and I have every intention of taking short naps during the day all weekend. Even if it's only half an hour of lying down with my eyes closed, I'll be less likely to find myself hacking and gacking when I get home.
You're all a bunch of friggin' pussies as far as I'm concerned. Suck it up, tough it out and be men for Christ's sake.

Curufin said:
I'm just going to pretend like beer will keep all of the nasty germs away from me.


I'm gonna try it again this year, BUT IT SURE AS HELL DIDN'T WORK LAST YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got some kind of 24 hour virus last year, and I missed all Sat. until I dragged myself off my deth bed and saw part of POS and all Edguy!! It started Fri. night right when WOMD started, which is the main thing I wanted to see!! Some friends of mine saw me taking a seat during Gutter Ballet and thought I was gonna die!!

Cool thread - you might also wanna avoid Subway - now I see how that dude lost so much weight!!

Chris :headbang:
I've never gotten sick after ProgPower. The only thing is that smoke (from smoking) takes away my appetitite if I get too much of it (I don't smoke), thus usually the nights of PP when I get home I reek of smoke and don't feel hungry even though I haven't eaten for 8 hours.

But I've never gotten sick. Just wash your hands before you eat anything, and eat before PP to give you energy
Here's some advice. On the night of the pre-pre-party, don't drink countless Stoli & Cokes, and then follow it with tequila shots at Cheetah's. I'm pretty sure I set the world's record for the greatest number of dry heaves in a three hour period.

I have the solution. I just went to Wacken, and the weather sucked. Temps were dipping toward the 40's and it rained almost non-stop. Throw in a truckload of beer, the grueling endurance test of standing on your feet for the better part of 3 days, and very little sleep, and the germ infested airplanes to and from Germany.... Needless to say, almost everyone around me was coughing and sneezing, even those locals who didn't have the planes to contend with. Any other time, I would have been sick as a dog, but this time I had no problems.

Before I left, I had a root canal done on a molar. I told the dentist I would be gone for a while overseas before he could finish the procedure, so he prescribed penicillin to prevent any problems before I got back. I'm convinced that's the only reason I'm not sick now like all the other festival goers who are suffering now. Plus, it didn't seem to matter having the beers while taking it. No side effects or reactions, just like taking a vitamin. Next weekend long show I go to, I'm taking what's left of my prescription....
I haven't gotten sick either of the years I've gone. Both years I brought a 10(12?) pack of Hi-C juice packs and drank two each day, one in the morning and one at night.
See if your doctor can hook you up. It's just my theory, but it has to amount to something, even the people I shared a tent with were sick, and coughing all over the place. Still no problems.... Came home, went right back to work, refreshed and healthy.
metal71 said:
I have the solution. I just went to Wacken, and the weather sucked. Temps were dipping toward the 40's and it rained almost non-stop. Throw in a truckload of beer, the grueling endurance test of standing on your feet for the better part of 3 days, and very little sleep, and the germ infested airplanes to and from Germany.... Needless to say, almost everyone around me was coughing and sneezing, even those locals who didn't have the planes to contend with. Any other time, I would have been sick as a dog, but this time I had no problems.

That description makes the Wacken swimming pool sound like not a fun place to be....
go to Vitamin World and buy a small bottle of vitamin c tablets (500 mg)... take one per day (preferrably with food) for the week before and the week after ProgPower. This will reduce your chances of getting sick by a huge margin.