The getting sick thread. This time let's warn people BEFORE it happens.:)

Yeah, I'd rather get sick than be hot all night. I know it must be colder on stage, but in the crowd it doesn't get that cold.

Wolfgang could get a wireless hookup to his amp, then just play in the crowd!
1. there must be an adjustment between cold as ice and hot as fire... :cool:
2. you won't believe me: iam not afraid to catch any deseases by touching people. :cool:
3. but iam afraid to run into trouble with my girlfriend by cuddling with other women apart from my girlfriend... :erk:
4. and my preperation is a bit like babs': good sleeping, drinking a lot (water ;) ), taking my vitamins...
mind your health! i wanna see you alive and kicking in atlanta - can't wait!
wolfgang from dreamscape!
adaher said:
Okay, so here's your warning newbies. A lot of people get really sick after Progpower. I guess that's in part because we spend two days around 1000 people in a venue where everyone moves around. So one or two sick people can quickly infect dozens. Also, many of us will not get much sleep, or eat and drink nothing but junk food for the entire weekend, thus further reducing our resistance.

Does anyone have any ideas for avoiding this? Vitamins, perhaps, or some kind of food that's good for the immune system?

Vitamins ? Absolutely. Will they really help.... they can't hurt. If you drink alchohol, drink a salty dog (grapefruit jiuce and vodka/gin) os screwdriver which has orange juice as opposed to grapefruit as one of your drinks. Vitamins are good for you, but vitamins are absorbed better when they come from a natural source ala fruit juice. Another help is cold medicine. Colds/flu are acts of a viral infection and the virus isn't treated by cold remedies. The cold remedies treat the symptoms not the cause. However, because they allow your body to function better (due to lack of congestion etc.) than without the medicine, your own natural defenses are better able to do their job.
Lastly... stay hydrated. It is easy to become dehydrated in an event like PP. Carry a water bottle if you must. I'm no expert at health. I have abused my body sooo many times (to include Prog Power events) it's not funny, but I wouldn't spew nonsense. I know what I am talking about.

DREAMSCAPE 777 said:
3. but iam afraid to run into trouble with my girlfriend by cuddling with other women apart from my girlfriend... :erk:

Ok, we don't want to get Wolfgang in trouble! I'm sure I can find another cuddler somewhere. Maybe even Dubya, that man is in desperate need of a hug (snort)!
BABS said:
Ok, we don't want to get Wolfgang in trouble! I'm sure I can find another cuddler somewhere. Maybe even Dubya, that man is in desperate need of a hug (snort)!

No, you're banned. I'll have a judge sign a document to keep you at least 500 feet from me. I've already alerted the TSA to be on the lookout for you, and that you're smuggling hashish! Have fun at the airport! hehehehehehehehehe
J-Dubya 777 said:
No, you're banned. I'll have a judge sign a document to keep you at least 500 feet from me. I've already alerted the TSA to be on the lookout for you, and that you're smuggling hashish! Have fun at the airport! hehehehehehehehehe

LOL, you would be mean enough to do that sort of thing!
Haven't been sick after ProgPower yet. I think you all need to drink more. I always keep a beer and/or drink in each hand! :loco: That way you don't touch anything. :D
Thanks for reminding me... I need to warn my office that I will be sick.
I have been sick for 2-3 days after every PP (2-5). And I have always been too tired to party afterwards... and since I live in Atlanta I didn't fly or go near any of the hotels.

This year I will try saving enough energy for partying and drink more...then maybe I won't get sick :).