The Giraffes Ruled.


Aug 17, 2009
And they ruled hard.

Been waiting for this to drop for a good while now, figured i'd share the wealth. Easily one of the best hard rock bands around. Hard to pin down and describe the sound. It's like if Surf rock, if instead of surfing, did a bunch of PCP. Often times it's heavy enough to almost be considered metal, but even when they slow it down it's still catchy and exceedingly well written. The only thing about this albu mI don't like, is the first minute of "the City".

Probably not going to be everyone's bagachips here, but I like this band too much *not* to be displaying public affection towards them. One of those albums that I feel is going to have a *lot* of staying power in my rotation.

I just listened to "the Kids" four times in a row. I *never* do that. It's a damn crime against nature that these guys aren't huge.