The GMD Classifieds Thread

AMT is psychedelic stuff. The track is around 50 or so minutes long full of heavy guitars and crazy solos. You'll like it, because you're a fucking pothead.

So do you wanna do a trade?


I'm an occasional pot smoker which means I do not turn down weed and once in awile buy bags. there's a difference.

For example if a female wants to bowl me up i'm not going to say no,etc.. because that would be dumb and dumber than how dumb you are when you smoke pot. I was a pothead when 16,17.

but yeah I would enjoy that and so would someone I know who is what you call a 'pothead'.

I will go with the Red Harvest and Acid Mothers Temple.
I will give you both + a little money (5 bucks?) for the Hetsheads. If you don't dig that lemme know and I'll pick something else.
I actually said I was going to raise the price on we hail the possessed and could probably get 50+ dollars for it on Ebay. I had a 98% rating on Ebay for around 5,6 years and forgot to pay for a cd and did not know about it for a few weeks and my account was suspended and besides was sick of money going on to Paypal anyways.

Since someone beat you on the Mayhem you need to find something else.

Liers in wait and.... lets get this done.
Liers In Wait and Sorrow. Done.

BTW if someone beat me to the Mayhem, you should probably reflect that by fucking editing your post to show what's gone and what you still have instead of leaving guesswork up to potential traders. :p
yeah. I should be putting the fucking word SOLD next to fucking cds that are fucking sold fucking fuck.
Yeah you motherfucker! Sell and trade those fucking CDs then update your motherfucking post! PM me your motherfucking address you fucking fucker.
I sent you a mother fucking PM with my fucking address and you better fucking do the same back you fucking fuck or i'll be fucking pissed you mother fucker. You're a mother fuck!

All this fucking cd fucking shit goes out tomorrow got it fucking mother fucker. if not you fucking better you fuck!