The Good Night thread

im off to bed now, beautiful people(?) :erk:
need to get up early tomorrow to go get my DevilDriver ticket :D
cya all later.
*jumps in the air along with the thread*

Bumped, yay! :D

Squeee, if you read this, I wasn't lying in that other thread: I'm really going to sleep... goodnight to all those who're going to sleep aswell, and bye to everyone!! See you, people! :wave:

my last day of school tomorrow, so excited.
alright, it's 3:30 am right now and I'm still posting on a damn internet forum :erk: I haven't had a decent goodnight's rest since friday
everything is going the wrong way lately *sigh*

EDIT: damn, forgot to say good night, well good night

EDIT2: make that 3:57 and I feel like my head is going to explode any minute now, gonna try to get some sleep