The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

Mel@ For some reason my perverted mind found your drink's name quite amusing and good for a grim necro metal band name, till i looked up the dictionary :rolleyes: :p
:lol: :lol:
although this name is tooo soft for an unholy vlack metal trisatanic superdark band,still i find sth strange in it.....especially the "coc" part..... de-cock-tion :lol:
unholy vlack metal trisatanic superdark band

uhmmmmmmm I'm glad I always stop at the second range of each general genre :p

now, I would like to see what a trisatanic looks like :loco:

and here superdark supertranquillity would be a reaaaaaaally posh bandname XDDDDDD

fathervic (lost withing genres)
Have you ever heard of Grave's Sauce? From what i've heard it's exactly what it suggests to be :Puke:
graves sauce???? :lol: what the f*** is it??? soil with smashed bones and the smell of death?

hehe it seems i have to broaden my food-horizon beyond cereals and apple&cinammon yoghurt :p

*dipping her pan de muerto in grave sauce.....haha the
ultimate combination*

eutyxos pou ta grafeia teleton dianyxtereuoun :p
:lol: :lol: :lol:

As far as i know it's a sauce in the UK, they use it with everything... Of course it sucks, probably tastes like the liquids of melting dead bodies.. muahahahhahhaha........................ :Puke:

ND: cokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

NE: the cinammon flavoured sugar that is left from the cookies I ate this afternoon....

fathervic (old_fashioned_eater)
Originally posted by Hiljainen
if it's the same thing that we have's simply delicious!!
here it's called "pan d'i mort"<-- not polite italian, this is a dialect

hmmm I'm not sure about it, but it is delicious all right, and we can have it just in this time of the year

Originally posted by Melancholia
what exactly is this pan de muerto??
bread with poison? :p

no, it's bread that tries to look like a corpse, and I'm not joking