The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

Oh great, thanks for ressurecting another one of these spam threads. There are five mass threads which have nothing to do with DT or music, and all about the personal feelings of the poster on the first page already. They're clogging it up.
I MADE IT!!!!!!!!! :grin:

well, about eat/drink at work, at school we have those machines(?) for coffee, chocolate....last friday i was drinking chocolate together with a friend and.....the bubu cup fell from my hand and you can imagine: a chocolate shower on us!.....i'm always the same....i'm a damage
@ormir: is a thread about eating and drinking dealing with inner feelings of forum members? :grin:
however, at least these extravaganzas keep people from posting tones of "today i saw a dead cow" threads. cheer up, man, everything is not yet lost. ;)

I don't know if this is considered the right thread for this, but today i saw a dead pig btw :grin:
: yawn :
we are what we eat, thus by knowing what our fellow forumers eat we can draw very important conclusions about their personality and inner feelings,which is of course very important for the peace & frienship between the forum members and for the further existence of this this thread deserves to be in the first page.....blah blah....
what is this anti-spam hysteria anyway....

~mel~ ( :bah: )
mel ehmmm whaaaaaat???
last time I checked you weren't a musli bar :p

but well these sort of multilayered spam threads are OBVIOUSLY the sort of thread who make a comunity board remain chupily start getting some sort of connection between the rest just like that...and I prefer 987987928374928374923847 zillions of times, discussing about drink and food than some kind of freak asking why do we like more DD than RtR!!!!!

fathervic (not drinking anything now....shame on lazyness!!!!!)
Originally posted by FatherVic
mel ehmmm whaaaaaat???
last time I checked you weren't a musli bar :p

hehe i'm on my way there :p soon i'll be a musli bar swimming in litres of tea-s and infusions (drunk 5 different types today)

*applause* for the rest of Fv's post......

~mel~ (någonstans i skogen)
@mel: You just started a whole new trend! :D

Ypo8etw 8a pas sth synaulia thn kyriakh, m? :)