The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

ND: coke, and in a while chamomile decoction
Dr. Pepper! :grin:

Now.. Cookies..... :heh:
*goes hunting*
Ssssssssht! ... :Smug:
A wild cookie! :o
Quick, behind this tree! (...door...both made out of wood anyway)
Give up! You can't escape!
*eats teh cookey*
Worth the trouble. :grin:
I just ate a champagne truffle. Everyone else hates them, so I practically have them to myself. Chocolate and alcohol... good.
well I wake everymorning with lot's of raw meat IN my bed, and after a while, I get up... ;)

ND: Tea - Wild fruit....

FatherVic (who's happy because fruit, even if it's wild, you don't have to hunt it down)
Originally posted by FatherVic
well I wake everymorning with lot's of raw meat IN my bed, and after a while, I get up... ;)

:lol: :lol:

horsemeat :Puke: well,meat in general :Puke:

ND: Rasperry&Peach tea
I think Twinings is my favourite tea-brand :)

bah, i'm inclined for know these Strawberry, Vanilla and Caramel got me hooken...and also their Spanish label "Hornimans" is damn too funny not to be hailed :p
mmmmm litpon..... super yummy indeed.....especially the vanilla,the caramel,the yellow label,the blackcurrrrant,the strawberry......almost all that is :p
good taste you have :)
moreover, the "la tisaniere" (sp??) Vainilla y pera & manzana y canella are super yummy.......mmmmmmmm great smell

i am obsessed with tea me thinks :spin: